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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Rocklin Academy at Meyers Street
County: Placer County

This K-12 education employer does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Certificated 32 $1,936,871 $447,304
Certificated Administration 1 $87,055 $30,661
Classified Aides 14 $211,984 $52,113
Governing Board 5 $0 $0
Instructors 8 Hr 2 $26,953 $3,508
Office Staff 2 $65,861 $23,441
Certificated Hourly 2 $34,265 $6,413
Maint, Oper, It & Food Srvc 6 $71,919 $9,979
The Rocklin Academy 31 $204,425 $21,868