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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
San Bernardino County Office of Education
Last Updated: 3/16/2016

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
1St Class (Formerly Ecats) 13 $666,637 $239,123
Adapted Physical Education 11 $1,013,851 $227,662
Alt Ed - Special Ed 6 $355,123 $116,275
Autistic 70 $2,137,100 $1,019,945
Autistic Preschool 22 $679,471 $318,755
Business Advisory Services 16 $1,258,507 $346,078
Business Services 1 $27,705 $4,492
Business Support Services 2 $191,368 $49,753
Career Training & Support 2 $130,044 $40,148
Cares Plus Department 2 $129,512 $42,158
Child Welfare & Attendance 2 $169,497 $44,280
Communications/Publication 5 $426,700 $120,326
County Community Day Schoo 70 $3,233,434 $1,006,381
County Community School 3 $250,435 $46,425
Credentials 5 $341,959 $95,104
Curr Inst & Academic Enric 12 $884,214 $211,016
Curriculum 2 $239,091 $46,790
Curriculum/Instruction 4 $344,586 $89,663
Deaf And Hard Of Hearing 34 $1,737,542 $572,981
Deaf And Hard Of Hearing P 4 $153,627 $62,454
Desert/Mountain Operations 38 $2,324,803 $631,191
Desert/Mountain Selpa 233 $14,067,540 $3,858,134
District & School Improvem 8 $724,782 $164,012
District Accntblty Support 1 $50,902 $20,502
District Financial Svcs 28 $1,674,304 $542,907
Early Childhood M/M 1 $18,803 $16,586
Early Start 36 $1,872,332 $641,770
East Valley Operations 16 $893,518 $198,789
East Valley Selpa 27 $2,304,092 $552,399
Education Support Services 26 $1,965,660 $483,289
Emotionally Disturbed 49 $1,708,338 $724,312
Facilities Planning 1 $68,406 $8,882
Foster Youth Services 6 $410,987 $131,087
Higher Educ & Workforce De 3 $137,776 $36,258
Homeless Education Service 3 $123,834 $22,327
Human Resources 25 $1,558,435 $521,426
Ind. Alt. Education 9 $500,431 $105,974
Internal Business 25 $1,645,188 $485,498
Jpa, Risk Mgmt Svcs 15 $1,107,183 $307,838
Juvenile Court 47 $2,571,022 $769,597
Lang Speech And Hearing 10 $348,125 $186,534
Maintenance, Oper & Trans 32 $1,680,474 $597,422
Mild Moderate 8 $406,722 $124,351
Moderate Severe 246 $9,151,985 $3,925,840
Moderate Severe Preschool 4 $147,359 $92,119
Multiple Handicapped 6 $265,015 $117,096
Nurse 14 $1,002,276 $225,813
Occupt'L/Physical Therapy 1 $24,859 $17,314
Orientation And Mobility 4 $269,228 $77,422
Payroll Services 6 $330,290 $122,936
Physically Handicapped 3 $145,681 $56,548
Preschool 66 $2,828,070 $1,054,100
Purch/Contracts Svcs 10 $566,769 $188,435
Regional Occupational Prog 27 $1,599,759 $454,831
Risk Management 4 $321,289 $89,920
Seriously Emotionally Dist 6 $284,819 $106,176
Severely And Profoundly Hn 60 $2,575,198 $1,088,737
Severely Handicapped 19 $565,753 $305,328
Specialized Academic Instr 9 $570,500 $169,353
Speech And Language Pathol 28 $2,185,360 $542,788
State Preschool 122 $3,130,239 $1,096,889
Student Services 38 $2,068,870 $495,605
Success Program/Alternativ 16 $667,262 $266,237
Superintendents Office 4 $371,059 $87,631
Visually Impaired 36 $1,588,336 $595,179
West End Operations 32 $2,493,068 $619,446
West End Selpa 37 $2,327,648 $682,434
Board Member 6 $23,600 $62,187
Braille Specialist 1 $12,218 $10,941
Cahelp Jpa 2 $153,526 $28,573
Classified 29 $938,933 $370,837
Classified Hourly Retire T 3 $43,243 $0
Clinical Counselor Intern 2 $9,850 $1,127
Desert/Mountain Children's 4 $224,379 $82,299
Digital Learning 4 $426,519 $81,229
Hourly Teachers 1 $35,699 $2,880
Intergovernmental Relation 5 $396,274 $96,414
Local Control Accountabili 5 $283,320 $74,470
Management Certificated 8 $913,786 $144,340
Management Classified 18 $867,752 $266,518
Mgmt Cert (Less Than 228) 10 $417,222 $75,138
Mgmt Class (Less Than 228) 9 $387,453 $101,014
Multimedia Services 11 $771,370 $243,144
Paraeducators 50 $549,788 $384,782
Retired 1 $26,036 $18,121
Rop Instructor 2 $68,382 $24,847
Special Ed/Alternative Ed 6 $111,665 $134,437
State Preschool Assistant 5 $21,361 $487
State Preschool Associate 10 $74,201 $12,824
State Preschool Intern Ass 3 $14,324 $646
State Preschool Teacher 1 $41,371 $4,645
Student Worker 16 $153,589 $1,412
Substitute Clerical 57 $762,769 $99,461
Substitute Educational Ass 341 $1,519,358 $60,007
Substitute St. Pre. Asst. 21 $56,964 $0
Substitute Teacher 151 $882,716 $75,103
Teachers 30 $1,388,673 $382,331
Technology Jpa 57 $4,780,224 $1,257,183
Technology Services 19 $1,490,625 $399,679
Temporary - Certificated 40 $572,159 $80,588
Terminated 2 $108,930 $20,303
Tutor 2 $513 $0
Workability Student 640 $375,583 $0