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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
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Orange County Department of Education
County: Orange County

This K-12 education employer includes payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

Last Updated: 12/4/2018

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Acctg Svcs 4 $191,257 $55,362
Admin Services 18 $806,482 $245,454
Au 100 Admin 132 $6,858,690 $2,374,438
Au 101 North 114 $5,815,051 $2,030,384
Au 103 East 56 $3,550,678 $1,070,176
Au 104 Grdn Grv 25 $1,044,333 $293,889
Au 106 1 $143,755 $49,860
Au 108 Pchs 26 $1,122,087 $349,092
Au 109 Chep 32 $1,254,137 $422,822
Au 110 Fischer 55 $3,345,231 $1,091,961
Au 112 Title I 69 $3,364,920 $1,250,094
Au 113 Ae Sp Ed 60 $3,493,599 $1,112,838
Au100 Educational Programs 3 $172,959 $50,819
Au110 Fischer 1 $32,642 $20,259
Au114 33 $1,613,058 $538,251
Au114 Administration 1 $62,827 $36,497
Bus Svcs 27 $1,483,982 $518,268
Business Admin 15 $889,385 $287,407
Cert Retirement 6 $364,765 $148,143
Clas Retirement 2 $94,168 $38,607
Credentials 3 $303,356 $116,155
Ctep 3 $124,381 $33,589
Curr/Instr(Dnu) 3 $198,930 $47,238
Deputy Supt 3 $236,017 $88,269
Disburs Svcs 1 $5,005 $746
Facility Ops 11 $621,084 $249,827
Fiscal Svcs 14 $777,093 $268,938
Human Resources 20 $1,170,987 $440,891
Human Svcs Cler 31 $1,583,803 $535,766
Human Svcs Unit 2 $23,872 $10,963
Info Tech 44 $2,631,487 $899,850
Inside Outdoors 6 $380,997 $113,031
Inst Tchg Excel 3 $106,733 $29,793
Inst Technology 4 $285,313 $98,672
Instr Svc Admin 74 $3,544,720 $1,273,091
Learning Supp 9 $502,432 $152,879
Legal 9 $279,288 $79,198
Media Services 5 $290,803 $98,437
Noc Selpa 15 $923,224 $310,843
Ocde Oral Dhh Program 2 $4,950 $506
Outdr Sci Schl 47 $2,007,371 $700,865
Par J Orgr(Dnu) 2 $33,336 $13,725
Payroll 6 $367,161 $124,193
Purch/Cont/Oper 11 $384,720 $152,307
Reprographics 3 $84,851 $35,452
Risk Mgt 3 $61,481 $27,232
Sch/Com Svc Div 2 $151,914 $59,278
Spec Ed Program 428 $21,531,318 $7,030,856
Spec Svcs Cler 1 $1,327 $50
Stds & Curric 31 $1,644,542 $509,926
Subs 527 $27,597,872 $8,961,729
Support Srvcs 2 $257,745 $85,716
Supt 4 $153,639 $56,093
University High Sch Dhh 2 $52,622 $17,081
Au108 Pacific Coast Hs 1 $2,916 $109
Au113 Special Ed Admn 2 $21,895 $5,163
Au115 Ccpa 15 $764,556 $199,115
Alternative Ed Programs 36 $1,499,986 $506,179
Child Care Services 21 $1,120,368 $375,175
Communications 2 $92,469 $38,927
Eess 22 $1,111,206 $351,787
Student Programs 13 $922,078 $282,090
Au100 Core 1 $121,061 $45,414
Au100 Theo Lacy 1 $147,729 $38,899
Au104 Euclid 1 $12,790 $1,743
Au115 Ccpa Admin Office 2 $58,556 $23,648
Au116 Sunburst 21 $1,581,639 $519,920
Charter/Spec Proj 5 $388,698 $125,837
Csss Admin 2 $49,748 $15,957
Fund & Partnrshp Svc 3 $113,128 $44,353
Gwc Adult Transition Program 1 $23,503 $12,381
Knott Special Classes 1 $63,012 $18,287
Mann School Special Classes 2 $16,369 $2,246
Mission Viejo High Sch Special 1 $4,258 $160
Newhart Special Classes 1 $35,273 $4,544
Ocde Programs 2 $86,733 $40,900
Spec Schls Hlc 2 $45,055 $21,080
Trident Special Classes 1 $181,389 $55,207
Venado-Deerfield Dhh 1 $1,210 $175