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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Lassen Community College District
County: Lassen County
Last Updated: 8/18/2016

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Accounting 3 $36,827 $9,551
Administration of Justice 8 $108,056 $26,217
Admissions & Records 5 $104,181 $40,846
Agriculture Equine 2 $107,135 $26,308
Agriculture General 5 $8,142 $0
Agriculture Mechanics 1 $383 $0
Agriculture Rodeo 1 $18,594 $1,400
Agriculture Science 1 $3,524 $312
Agriculture Support 2 $26,472 $24
Art 4 $442 $0
Art/Ceramics 1 $14,599 $0
Art/Drawing 3 $124,697 $27,094
Art/Photography 2 $18,347 $0
Assessment 3 $80,615 $29,757
Athletics 32 $123,706 $25,075
Automotive 4 $139,609 $45,293
Biology 4 $115,794 $26,482
Bookstore 22 $105,942 $23,409
Business 2 $14,787 $0
Cal Works Program 15 $78,620 $20,724
Chemistry 1 $89,336 $24,812
Child Development 31 $276,801 $83,391
Community Use of Facility 1 $43,348 $20,123
Computer Office Technology 1 $6,791 $692
Computer Science 1 $2,755 $0
Coppervale 2 $6,545 $0
Correspondence Program 5 $96,115 $41,605
Counseling & Guidance 7 $297,591 $72,582
Disabled Students Program Srv 15 $199,760 $48,804
Drivers Training 5 $34,188 $0
English 8 $287,853 $74,990
Fire Science 15 $184,059 $27,739
Fiscal Services 8 $349,116 $117,391
Food Services 6 $90,511 $37,965
General Studies 1 $53 $0
Governing Board 9 $20,400 $123,296
Grant Coordinator 3 $55,482 $21,631
Gunsmithing 16 $370,776 $96,300
Health 1 $104,150 $26,036
Health Occupations 2 $3,579 $366
History 3 $220,151 $51,580
Human Resources 4 $141,320 $45,888
Human Services 4 $126,621 $26,918
Humanities 1 $106 $9
ILP Education Services 1 $21,619 $8,503
Institutional Research 2 $2,509 $0
Interdisciplinary Studies 6 $37,266 $1,379
Learning Center 28 $67,463 $20,610
Library 5 $135,330 $44,442
Maintenance Custodial 16 $177,181 $67,501
Maintenance Grounds 19 $192,579 $63,307
Management Information Systems 5 $298,896 $99,250
Math/Science Division Support 1 $34,104 $19,262
Mathematics, General 11 $513,683 $114,294
Matriculation Credit 3 $121,352 $43,755
Music 1 $8,029 $0
Off Campus Work Study 2 $6,483 $0
Office of Instruction 8 $377,674 $118,231
Outreach Admin 3 $7,196 $0
PE Academic 1 $6,505 $0
PE Intercollegiate Athletics 3 $199,839 $34,051
Philosophy 1 $116 $0
Planning and Policy 2 $247,350 $55,224
Psychology 4 $139,003 $28,098
Purchasing 10 $67,246 $23,596
Sociology 2 $135,860 $28,835
Speech 1 $126,406 $27,922
Student Financial Aid 6 $244,518 $103,651
Student Housing 3 $106,287 $25,597
Student Personnel 3 $156,122 $48,573
Transfer Center 1 $48,386 $20,750
Vn/Health Occupations Support 1 $10,195 $5
Vocational Nursing 2 $37,403 $3,677
Volleyball 2 $24,714 $2,381
Welding Technology 5 $110,440 $25,387
Work Experience 3 $128,172 $27,048
Aeronautics 1 $1,955 $174
Anthropology 2 $22,402 $1,579
Equal Opportunity Program & Senior 4 $112,672 $42,967
Maintenance Building 12 $272,595 $74,625
Women's Basketball 1 $38,403 $3,779
Women's Soccer 3 $8,645 $0
Adaptive PE 1 $101,048 $25,754
Education 1 $2,012 $179
Kinship Grant 1 $27,696 $3,138
Physical Science 1 $6,274 $0
Corrections 1 $59 $0
Digital Graphic Design 6 $88,939 $24,191
Economics 1 $88,790 $25,781
Mens Basketball 2 $17,363 $1,493
Student Transportation 1 $288 $0
Administrative Services 1 $58,547 $22,328
Eops 4 $21,060 $0
Inmate Education Pilot Program. 1 $11,067 $3,902
Mens Soccer 2 $35,279 $3,169