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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Kern Community College District
County: Kern County
Last Updated: 8/31/2016

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
0 - Financial Aid 6 $9,468 $0
0 - Learning Center - LAC 5 $2,394 $0
00 - Accounting & Special Services 2 $129,608 $40,687
00 - Accounts Payable & Purchasing 4 $226,951 $76,837
00 - Admin Svcs - Operating Budget 4 $399,187 $97,366
00 - BC Business Office 2 $145,717 $43,391
00 - Board of Trustees - Operating Bud. 7 $24,750 $92,505
00 - Chancellor's - Admin. Assistant 2 $78,352 $19,234
00 - Chancellor's - Office 1 $282,450 $65,118
00 - Clean Energy - IDRC 3 $52,369 $0
00 - District Office 6 $172,407 $60,532
00 - DO - FDO 2 $59,054 $19,511
00 - DW SB70/SB1133 CTE Comm Project 1 $81,693 $20,311
00 - Edu Svcs. - Operating Budget 5 $422,288 $88,599
00 - Energy Comm Rec Act 1 $36,523 $0
00 - Facilities Administration 4 $322,371 $90,073
00 - Fire Technology 1 $48,390 $18,925
00 - General Counsel 2 $167,216 $36,241
00 - HGEI Grant 9 $443,617 $16,491
00 - HR - Associate Chancellor 20 $1,030,355 $232,188
00 - Institutional Reporting 1 $115,215 $25,931
00 - IT-Infrastructure 11 $711,033 $196,587
00 - IT-Operating Budget 7 $539,446 $153,611
00 - Operations 12 $805,066 $201,227
00 - Payroll 4 $190,588 $61,729
00 - REBRAC - Local 3 $104,607 $29,508
00 - Regulatory Chancellors Office 1 $115,983 $29,141
00 - SB70/SB1133 CTE Comm Project-Energy 1 $61,998 $20,496
00 - WLC - State 2 $100,363 $23,182
BC - Academic Development Department 14 $1,152,823 $253,444
BC - Accounts Payable & Purchasing 1 $7,092 $0
BC - Admin Services Office 5 $245,446 $64,239
BC - Admissions & Record 10 $512,504 $177,127
BC - Agriculture Department 5 $483,856 $105,840
BC - Aquatics Center 15 $24,461 $0
BC - Art Department 11 $420,907 $91,451
BC - Assessment 3 $61,626 $18,215
BC - Assessment Center 1 $44,014 $18,435
BC - Athletics 16 $708,463 $174,646
BC - BC Basic Skills 06-07 1 $17,602 $0
BC - BC Basic Skills 09/10 2 $8,130 $0
BC - BC Business Office 3 $172,461 $58,552
BC - BC Faculty Senate 1 $53,594 $19,557
BC - BC Transcript 1 $46,662 $18,731
BC - BC-CSUB Collaborative GRA1834 32 $43,150 $0
BC - BCSD Math & Science Enrichment Prog 5 $12,200 $0
BC - Biological Sciences Department 12 $1,085,828 $234,852
BC - Bookstore 1 $74,040 $21,846
BC - Bus. Management information Tech 13 $1,193,459 $270,761
BC - Business Center REBRAC 1 $82,161 $20,104
BC - CalWorks 4 $55,154 $18,297
BC - Child Development Food BC 2 $58,299 $33,659
BC - Cooperative Education 1 $61,998 $20,496
BC - Counseling & Guidance Department 15 $1,053,951 $256,975
BC - Criminal Justice 2 $195,285 $42,765
BC - CSUB Collaborative Grant 2 $65,495 $20,689
BC - Dean - Economic & Workforce Dev BC 3 $306,468 $67,206
BC - Dean of Learning Resources & IT 1 $46,298 $18,690
BC - Dean of Student Learning - A - BC 4 $229,752 $63,624
BC - Dean of Students BC 2 $153,156 $41,107
BC - Dean-Humanities/Basic Skills-BC 6 $308,070 $77,990
BC - Delano Campus 48 $642,167 $163,665
BC - Distance Learning 1 $77,274 $22,150
BC - DSPS 30 $495,664 $119,153
BC - Engineering Industrial Technology 13 $998,305 $239,981
BC - English Dept. (Instr. Supp) 27 $2,428,347 $553,632
BC - EOPS 5 $309,041 $84,907
BC - ESL 2 $65,230 $18,695
BC - ETR - Automotive Service Mechanic 1 $95,572 $21,182
BC - ETR - Welding 1 $88,723 $20,669
BC - Financial Aid 12 $426,247 $147,771
BC - Financial Aid - BFAP 12 $470,352 $141,205
BC - Financial Aid - FWS 128 $237,130 $0
BC - Fire Technology 4 $86,931 $17,933
BC - Foodservice 49 $414,764 $130,949
BC - Foreign Language Department 8 $690,723 $148,150
BC - Foster Care Grants 11 $144,026 $38,745
BC - Graphic Center 4 $108,128 $42,018
BC - HR - Associate Chancellor 26 $726,398 $188,205
BC - HSI Stem 23 $39,487 $0
BC - Human Resources - BC 2 $12,061 $0
BC - Infant/Toddler BC 1 $13,098 $1,459
BC - Information Services 5 $307,295 $100,781
BC - IT-Infrastructure 1 $100,619 $24,781
BC - Job Placement 1 $53,594 $19,557
BC - Library 11 $624,786 $159,190
BC - M & O - Buildings 10 $504,471 $157,795
BC - M & O - Custodial Services 32 $522,522 $230,919
BC - M & O - Director 2 $113,804 $35,375
BC - M & O - Grounds 8 $290,922 $113,597
BC - Mailroom 2 $44,255 $17,211
BC - Marketing & Public Information 3 $154,052 $53,350
BC - Mathematics General 25 $2,234,333 $510,719
BC - Matriculation 6 $307,403 $81,426
BC - Media Services 3 $183,196 $61,020
BC - Men's Football 6 $12,600 $0
BC - Nursing Program 58 $2,296,599 $432,106
BC - Olive Drive Fire Training Center 102 $288,086 $4,580
BC - Paramedic Program 18 $74,500 $0
BC - Performing Arts - Music 9 $340,302 $67,806
BC - Performing Arts - Theatre 2 $182,131 $40,445
BC - Performing Arts Department 1 $15,789 $0
BC - Philosophy Department 7 $630,160 $141,013
BC - Phys Ed, Health & Rec 10 $1,128,739 $225,744
BC - Physical Sciences Department 16 $1,422,695 $313,141
BC - President 4 $336,252 $49,810
BC - Psychology 3 $292,163 $64,540
BC - Public Safety 21 $569,102 $165,554
BC - Radiological Technology 16 $347,657 $82,971
BC - Renegade Room 1 $45,293 $18,151
BC - Senate Bill 135 17 $73,436 $0
BC - Shipping & Receiving 2 $55,968 $17,704
BC - Social Science Department 18 $1,544,549 $325,220
BC - Southwest Center 6 $6,656 $0
BC - State CD GCTR Center-Public BC 30 $441,945 $173,072
BC - State CD GCTR Center-Public Delano 1 $12,986 $0
BC - State CD GCTR Infant/Toddler BC 1 $13,010 $0
BC - State CD GPRE Preschool BC 25 $215,535 $66,080
BC - Student Activities 7 $11,836 $0
BC - Student Health Center 7 $124,942 $39,098
BC - Title V - Collaborative 1 $60 $0
BC - VP - Student Learning-Instruction 299 $5,176,669 $501,184
BC - VP - Student Services 217 $363,210 $45,186
BC - VTEA Across Vocational Programs 6 $69,215 $2,732
BC - Work Ability III 10 $115,012 $37,246
CC - Admissions & Records 4 $117,431 $34,968
CC - Bishop Campus 6 $296,122 $74,294
CC - CalWorks 7 $54,377 $18,322
CC - CC Basic Skills 08/09 1 $1,560 $0
CC - CC Business Office 1 $39,471 $17,928
CC - CC Special Services 1 $93,856 $21,040
CC - CD GCTR General Infant/Toddler CC 1 $215 $24
CC - Child Development Food CC 2 $41,931 $17,491
CC - Communications Department 21 $1,017,548 $173,467
CC - Community Education 9 $13,000 $0
CC - Contract Education 3 $37,355 $9,896
CC - Counseling & Guidance 10 $629,566 $158,544
CC - Counseling & Guidance Department 1 $56,640 $0
CC - Dean of Career Technical Education 1 $126,790 $24,037
CC - Director of A&R & Veteran's Affairs 1 $60,561 $11,756
CC - Director of Administrative Services 2 $163,716 $45,233
CC - Director of Financial Aid 2 $26,089 $7,306
CC - DSPS 3 $145,665 $38,421
CC - EOPS 16 $115,408 $25,930
CC - Financial Aid 58 $283,391 $73,985
CC - Health Careers 20 $326,295 $41,702
CC - HR - Associate Chancellor 7 $233,701 $68,342
CC - Human Resources - CC 1 $25,894 $10,921
CC - Humanities Department 17 $443,520 $70,951
CC - Industrial Arts Department 6 $180,095 $39,586
CC - Information Technology 8 $317,382 $101,342
CC - Learning Center - LAC 44 $123,693 $19,754
CC - Library 6 $157,833 $46,305
CC - M&O Building 2 $113,261 $39,125
CC - M&O Custodial Services 9 $150,559 $48,588
CC - M&O Director 2 $114,502 $26,263
CC - M&O Grounds 2 $77,861 $35,735
CC - M&O Vehicle 1 $18,740 $0
CC - Mammoth Campus 2 $54,468 $17,628
CC - Mathematics Department 18 $742,612 $135,812
CC - Matriculation 2 $62,198 $20,444
CC - Media Arts Department 6 $262,923 $46,171
CC - Phys Ed & Health Department 10 $358,212 $66,365
CC - President 2 $221,631 $40,056
CC - Print Shop 1 $36,501 $17,649
CC - Public Information-Extrnl Relations 2 $130,274 $41,596
CC - Public Service Department 147 $956,262 $72,051
CC - Receptionist 2 $40,927 $17,064
CC - Science Department 18 $530,363 $93,743
CC - Social Science Department 17 $517,998 $90,405
CC - State CD GCTR Center-Public CC 51 $418,503 $115,700
CC - State CD GPRE Preschool CC 28 $273,652 $70,471
CC - Student Activities 1 $32,538 $3,457
CC - Visual & Performing Arts Dept. 14 $496,402 $94,317
CC - VP - Student Services 3 $178,953 $43,625
CC - VP Academic Affairs 10 $511,120 $146,586
CC - VTEA Child Development 1 $2,377 $0
CC - Women's Basketball 1 $16,961 $0
PC - Administrative Services Office 2 $84,753 $12,972
PC - Admissions & Records 5 $220,585 $59,802
PC - Applied Tech 6 $152,417 $24,624
PC - Athletic Trainer 1 $54,854 $19,343
PC - Athletics Department 6 $84,313 $22,701
PC - Calworks 5 $51,911 $18,374
PC - Child Development Food PC 1 $2,116 $0
PC - Child Development Instructional Div 7 $170,149 $27,136
PC - Community Services 12 $27,084 $0
PC - Counseling & Guidance Department 3 $71,626 $3,734
PC - Dean of Academic Affairs 2 $176,452 $43,171
PC - Development Center Grant 42 $215,813 $1,806
PC - DSPS 24 $168,026 $19,847
PC - EOPS 15 $382,090 $88,080
PC - Financial Aid 3 $142,441 $42,988
PC - Financial Aid - BFAP 4 $115,353 $39,639
PC - Fine & Applied Arts 14 $505,736 $91,207
PC - Fire Technology 35 $85,870 $278
PC - Foundation 1 $51,065 $19,223
PC - HC - Licensed Vocational Nursing 5 $223,928 $44,491
PC - Health Careers 3 $140,203 $39,530
PC - Health Careers - Psych Tech Prog 3 $308,976 $68,204
PC - Health Careers - RN Program Dev 12 $232,343 $46,786
PC - Health Services & Fees 1 $65,147 $20,848
PC - HR - Associate Chancellor 5 $129,336 $37,007
PC - Human Resources - PC 1 $53,594 $19,557
PC - Information Technology 8 $395,567 $125,923
PC - Language Arts 38 $1,165,998 $220,028
PC - Learning Center 10 $115,311 $38,869
PC - Library Media Center 5 $189,233 $57,324
PC - Maintenance & Operations - Bldgs 3 $147,548 $56,296
PC - Maintenance & Operations - Grounds 3 $123,097 $54,147
PC - Maintenance & Operations Department 2 $134,758 $42,152
PC - Maintenance & Operations-Custodial 6 $185,865 $100,668
PC - Parking & Security - PC 7 $69,034 $0
PC - PC Basic Skills 09/10 1 $4,616 $0
PC - PC Business Office 2 $94,880 $37,688
PC - PDC Secure Treatment 6 $23,969 $0
PC - Phys Ed, Health & Rec 9 $487,216 $92,427
PC - President 2 $262,689 $50,887
PC - Print Shop 1 $16,813 $0
PC - Public Info - Information Center 4 $57,858 $18,381
PC - Public Information 2 $20,142 $1,311
PC - Science & Math Department 18 $1,469,342 $328,114
PC - Social Science Department 25 $1,011,174 $179,851
PC - State CD GCTR Center-Public Delano 1 $2,116 $0
PC - State CD GCTR Center-Public PC 3 $25,267 $12,193
PC - Student Development Food Services 13 $19,092 $0
PC - Swap Meet 71 $92,564 $0
PC - TANF 1 $12,398 $0
PC - Transfer Center 2 $219,553 $44,778
PC - VP - Student Learning-Instruction 1 $15,996 $1,320
PC - VP Academic Affairs 10 $333,264 $68,341
PC - VTEA Across Vocational Programs 3 $66,798 $20,366
PC - VTEA Agriculture 1 $64 $0
PC - Women's Basketball 1 $15,451 $0
PC - Women's Softball 1 $3,000 $0
0 - State CD GPRE Preschool CC 1 $842 $0
0 - Swap Meet 1 $224 $0
00 - BEC - State 1 $81,693 $22,649
00 - CC Business Office 1 $92,999 $23,907
00 - Contract Education 1 $59,814 $4,576
00 - CTE Collaborative Projects 1 $8,250 $2,116
00 - District Employer's Training Panel 1 $1,180 $0
00 - Human Resources - CC 1 $92,999 $23,907
00 - PC Business Office 1 $86,356 $23,170
BC - Anthropology 1 $33,107 $8,662
BC - BC Basic Skills 10/11 7 $19,272 $0
BC - BC-C6 TAACCCT Grant 2 $38,890 $0
BC - California Connects 1 $256 $0
BC - District Office 1 $3,439 $298
BC - GPRE Preschool BC 31 $66,876 $0
BC - Human Services 1 $32,062 $8,558
BC - Language Arts 1 $21,604 $0
BC - Men's Wrestling 1 $7,000 $0
BC - State CD GCTR Center-Public PC 1 $18,111 $1,919
BC - Women's Softball 1 $4,000 $0
CC - C6 TAACCT Grant 1 $542 $0
CC - CC Basic Skills 10/11 7 $11,072 $0
CC - Director of Distance Learning 1 $74,176 $18,524
CC - Kern Valley Campus 2 $141,342 $40,073
CC - Men's Baseball 2 $29,594 $2,112
CC - Olive Drive Fire Training Center 1 $23,914 $0
CC - VTEA Mfg & Indstrl Technology 1 $375 $31
CC - Women's Volleyball 1 $4,000 $0
PC - HC - Emergency Medical Technician 2 $17,103 $0
PC - Matriculation, Credit 2 $120,240 $21,698
PC - PC Basic Skills 10/11 2 $5,448 $0
PC - PC Child Care 19 $331,103 $115,883
PC - PC-C6 TAACCCT Grant 1 $9,944 $0
PC - VP - Student Services 2 $192,893 $44,516
PC - Women's Volleyball 1 $4,500 $0
00 - Cash Accts Receivable&Special Svcs. 2 $150,179 $42,526
00 - Institutional Research-Research/Plan 1 $63,677 $19,270
BC - Behavioral Science Dept. 7 $602,944 $130,251
BC - Communication Dept. 8 $738,588 $153,327
BC - CSU Fresno:CA EDD Demo Project 2 $4,548 $0
BC - Dean-Student Learning (Math/HC) 11 $318,399 $80,783
BC - Family & Consumer Educ Dept. 7 $655,297 $146,210
BC - Institutional Development & Foundation 13 $299,804 $76,385
BC - Institutional Research-Research/Plan 1 $122,893 $27,254
CC - Child Dev Instructional Dept. 13 $444,894 $74,879
CC - Computer Science & Business Dept. 22 $507,116 $65,198
CC - Director of Stdts & Counseling Services 2 $151,166 $38,307
PC - Administration of Justice Instructional 15 $151,995 $23,002
PC - Business Ed Instructional Dept. 12 $352,340 $66,776
PC - Dean of Careers&Techincal Education 1 $59,044 $20,114
PC - Financial Aid - College Work-study 80 $151,956 $0
PC - Institutional Research-Research/Plan 1 $101,868 $21,753
PC - Tulare Works 28 $80,595 $0