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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
Government Compensation in California
Malia M. Cohen, California State Controller
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Community College Districts
Rancho Santiago Community College District
DO - Board of Trustees
Other Departments:
CEC - Academic Administration
CEC - Admissions & Records
CEC - Adult Basic Education
CEC - Bookstores
CEC - CDC Centennial Education Ctr
CEC - CEC Matric / Student Access
CEC - Child Dev/Parent Educ
CEC - Citizenship
CEC - Counseling & Guidance
CEC - Custodial Services
CEC - ESL Integrated
CEC - ESL Speaking
CEC - ESL Writing
CEC - Health Education
CEC - Health Occupations
CEC - HS Diploma Prog/GED
CEC - Learning Skills Handicap
CEC - Misc Student Services
CEC - Other Instr Sup Svcs
CEC - Other Interdiscip Study
CEC - Safety & Parking
CEC - Vocational Business
DO - Academic Support
DO - Accounting
DO - Accounts Payable
DO - Application Systems
DO - Auxilary Services
DO - Auxiliary Services
DO - Auxiliary Svcs Office
DO - Board of Trustees
DO - Bus Entrepreneurship Ctr
DO - Business Operations
DO - CDC Administration
DO - Chancellor's Office
DO - Communications
DO - Construction Support Services
DO - Corporate Training Institute
DO - Ctr for Intl Trade Dev Office
DO - Data Center Operations
DO - Digital Media Center
DO - Educational Services Office
DO - Facility Planning Office
DO - Fiscal Services Office
DO - Graphic Communications
DO - HR & Edu Svcs Admin
DO - Information Tech Svcs Office
DO - Internal Audit
DO - Mailroom
DO - Maintenance & Operations
DO - Payroll
DO - Project Management
DO - Publications
DO - Purchasing
DO - Research
DO - Resource Development
DO - Risk Management
DO - Safety & Parking
DO - Safety & Security Office
DO - Small Business Dev Ctr Office
DO - Women in Business Center
OEC - Academic Administration
OEC - Admissions & Records
OEC - Adult Basic Education
OEC - CDC Orange Education Center
OEC - Child Dev/Early Care Edu
OEC - Citizenship
OEC - Counseling & Guidance
OEC - Custodial Services
OEC - ESL Integrated
OEC - ESL Speaking
OEC - ESL Writing
OEC - Gerontology
OEC - Grounds Maint & Repairs
OEC - Health Education
OEC - HS Diploma Prog/GED
OEC - Learning Skills Handicap
OEC - Misc Student Services
OEC - Office Tech/Computer App
OEC - Phys Fitness/Body Movemt
OEC - Safety & Parking
OEC - Warehouse
OECIE - Citizenship
OECIE - ESL Integrated
OECIE - General Studies
OECIE - Health & Safety
OECIE - HS Diploma Prog/GED
OECIE - Office Tech/Comp AppIications
SAC - Academic Affairs
SAC - Academic Computing
SAC - Academic Success Center
SAC - Academic Support
SAC - Accounting
SAC - Admin Services
SAC - Admissions and Records
SAC - Anthropology
SAC - Art
SAC - Art Gallery
SAC - Assessment
SAC - Astronomy
SAC - Automotive Technology
SAC - Auxiliary Services
SAC - Biology
SAC - Bookstore
SAC - Bookstoren Express
SAC - Bus Appls & Technology
SAC - Business Adminstration
SAC - Business Division Admin
SAC - Business Seminars
SAC - Business Seminars (PSI)
SAC - Career Edu & Workfce Dev
SAC - Cashier's Office
SAC - CDC Early Head Start
SAC - CDC Early Head Start Admin
SAC - CDC Santa Ana College
SAC - CDC Santa Ana College EAST
SAC - Center for Teacher Ed
SAC - Chemistry
SAC - Chinese
SAC - College Advancement
SAC - Communication Studies
SAC - Communications and Media Studi
SAC - Community Services Class
SAC - Computer Science
SAC - Counseling
SAC - Counseling Instruction
SAC - Criminal Justice
SAC - Criminal Justice Acad
SAC - Custodial
SAC - Dance
SAC - Deaf/Hard of Hearing
SAC - Diesel
SAC - Distance Education
SAC - Dramatic Arts
SAC - DSPS Office
SAC - Earth Science
SAC - Economics
SAC - Emergency Med Tech
SAC - Eng Multi Lang Stu
SAC - Engineering
SAC - English
SAC - Ethnic Studies
SAC - Exer Sci Intercoll Athlet
SAC - Exerci Sci-Phys Educat
SAC - Fashion Design Merchandising
SAC - Financial Aid
SAC - Financial Aid Office
SAC - Fine & Perf Arts Office
SAC - Fire Academy
SAC - Fire Technology
SAC - French
SAC - Geography
SAC - Geology
SAC - Graduation
SAC - Grounds
SAC - Health Center
SAC - Health Education
SAC - High Tech Ctr DSPS-SAC
SAC - History
SAC - Human Development
SAC - Human Services & Tech
SAC - Humanities & Soc Sci
SAC - Info & Learning Res Off
SAC - International Students
SAC - Job Placement
SAC - Kinesiology, Health & Ath
SAC - Kinesiology-Intercoll Ath
SAC - Kinesiology-Phys Educat
SAC - Kinesiology-Phys Fitness
SAC - Learning Disabled
SAC - Learning Support Center
SAC - Library Services
SAC - Library Technology
SAC - Maint & Operations
SAC - Management
SAC - Manufacturing Technology
SAC - Math Study Center
SAC - Mathematics
SAC - Media Production
SAC - Media System
SAC - Medical Assistant
SAC - Modern Languages
SAC - Music
SAC - Nursing
SAC - Nutrition & Foods
SAC - Occup Therapy Asst
SAC - Orientation/Coord/Trng
SAC - Outreach
SAC - Paralegal
SAC - Pharmacy Technology
SAC - Philosophy
SAC - Photography
SAC - Physical Science
SAC - Physically Disabled
SAC - Physics
SAC - Political Science
SAC - Presidents Office
SAC - Psych Disabilities
SAC - Psychological Services
SAC - Psychology
SAC - Public Affairs & Govt Rel
SAC - Reprographics
SAC - SAC Reading
SAC - Safety & Parking
SAC - Safety & Security Office
SAC - Sch & Comm Partnership
SAC - Scholarship Office
SAC - Sci, Math, & Health Sci
SAC - Service Learning Cntr
SAC - Sign Language
SAC - Sociology
SAC - Spanish
SAC - Spch Lang Path Asst Prg
SAC - Spch/Acquird Brain Injury
SAC - Special Services
SAC - Student Activities
SAC - Student Affairs
SAC - Student Development
SAC - Student Placement
SAC - Student Services Office
SAC - Student Support Services
SAC - Study Skills
SAC - Talent Search
SAC - Tech Theater-Thea Arts
SAC - Television/Video
SAC - Theatre Arts
SAC - Transfer Center
SAC - Tutorial Center
SAC - Upward Bound
SAC - Veteran's Resource Ctr
SAC - Vietnamese
SAC - Welding Technology
SAC - Workability
SCC - Academic Affairs Office
SCC - Academic Success Center
SCC - Academic Support
SCC - Accounting
SCC - Admin Services Dept
SCC - Admissions
SCC - American College English
SCC - Anthropology
SCC - Apprenticeship
SCC - Art
SCC - Astronomy
SCC - Biology
SCC - Bookstore
SCC - Bus, Math, & Sci Adm
SCC - Business
SCC - Career Center
SCC - Career Education Admin
SCC - Cashier's Office
SCC - CDC Santiago Canyon College
SCC - Chemistry
SCC - College Advancement
SCC - Communication
SCC - Community Services
SCC - Computer Info Systems
SCC - Computer Science
SCC - Counseling
SCC - Counseling & Guidance
SCC - Criminal Justice
SCC - Custodial
SCC - Dance
SCC - Deaf/Hard of Hearing
SCC - Disabled Students
SCC - Economics
SCC - Education
SCC - English
SCC - Ethnic Studies
SCC - Exercise Science
SCC - Financial Aid
SCC - French
SCC - Gemology
SCC - Geography
SCC - Geology
SCC - Health & Wellness Ctr
SCC - History
SCC - Human Development
SCC - Humanitie & Soc Sci Adm
SCC - Inst Effectvnss/Assesmt
SCC - International Students
SCC - Italian
SCC - Job Placement
SCC - Kinesiology Admin Office
SCC - Kinesiology-Intercol Ath
SCC - Kinesiology-Physical Ed
SCC - Library & Information St
SCC - Maintenance
SCC - Management
SCC - Marketing
SCC - Math
SCC - Media & Comm, General
SCC - Media Services
SCC - Modern Languages
SCC - Music
SCC - Nutrition & Food
SCC - Outreach
SCC - Pathways to Teaching
SCC - Philosophy
SCC - Physics
SCC - Political Science
SCC - President's Office
SCC - Project Management
SCC - Psychology
SCC - Public Works
SCC - Publications
SCC - Reading
SCC - Real Estate
SCC - Safety & Parking
SCC - Safety & Security Office
SCC - Science Learning Center
SCC - Sign Language
SCC - Sociology
SCC - Spanish
SCC - Student Devel Office
SCC - Student Services Admin
SCC - Survey/Mapping Sciences
SCC - Television/Video Comm
SCC - Testing
SCC - Theatre Arts
SCC - Transfer Center
SCC - Tutoring Center
SCC - Upward Bound
SCC - Water Utility Science
SCC - Womens Studies
View Details
DO - Board of Trustees
Rancho Santiago Community College District
Department Employees
Total Wages
Total Retirement & Health Contribution
For more information visit
this employer's website
Last Updated: 8/17/2015
Highest Paid Employees
Regular Pay
Overtime Pay
Lump-Sum Pay
Other Pay
Total Wages
Defined Benefit Plan Contribution
Employee's Retirement Cost Covered
Deferred Compensation
Health/Dental/Vision Contribution
Total Retirement & Health Contribution