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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
Government Compensation in California
Malia M. Cohen, California State Controller
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Community College Districts
Coast Community College District
GWC - College Foundation and Commty Rela
Other Departments:
CCC - 5 Percent Admin Cost Allowance
CCC - Ab77 DSPS Programs
CCC - ABI Program Office
CCC - Abi Programs Instructional
CCC - Accounting
CCC - Administrative Services
CCC - Admission And Records
CCC - Admission Guidance and Info Serv
CCC - American Sign Language
CCC - Anthropology
CCC - Applied Design
CCC - Arabic
CCC - Art
CCC - Art and Social Sciences Div Office
CCC - Arts and Social Sciences Division
CCC - Bfap Financial Aid Admin
CCC - Biology
CCC - Building Codes Technology
CCC - Business And Commerce
CCC - Business Computing
CCC - Cal Works And Tranf Services
CCC - Cal Works Coordination
CCC - CE EBus China Project
CCC - CE Fiscal Services
CCC - Ce General Instructional
CCC - Ce Marketing And Outreach
Ccc - Ce Military Program D/S
CCC - CE Military Program Non Instr
CCC - Ce Nc Pace Operations
CCC - CE Outreach Student Services
CCC - CE Support Distance Learning
CCC - CE Workforce Development
CCC - Ceramics
CCC - Chemistry
CCC - Coastline College
CCC - College Computer Support Services
CCC - College Foundation Office
CCC - Community Relations
CCC - Computer Networking
CCC - Computer Tech Support
CCC - Corporate Education
CCC - Counseling And Leadership
CCC - Criminal Justice Training Center
CCC - Custodial Services
CCC - Dance
CCC - Distance Learn And Virtual Library
CCC - Distance Learning
CCC - District Information Services
CCC - Economics
CCC - Education Division
CCC - Elearning Research
CCC - Emergency Management
CCC - English
CCC - EOPS Counselor
CCC - EOPS Program B
CCC - EOPS Programs A
CCC - Esl
CCC - ESL Citizenship Instr
CCC - Executive
CCC - Faculty Senate
CCC - Fairview Admin Office
CCC - Fairview Instructional
Ccc - Financial Aid
CCC - Financial Aid Office
CCC - Fine Art General
CCC - Fiscal Services
CCC - Food and Nutrition
CCC - Geography
CCC - Geology
CCC - Gerontology
CCC - Guidance And Career Planning
CCC - Health Education Skills
CCC - History
CCC - Human Resources Operation
CCC - Human Services
CCC - Humanities
CCC - ILY ABI Programs
CCC - Info Career And Tech Ed Div Office
CCC - Info Sys Career And Tech Ed
CCC - Institutional Research
CCC - Instruct Staff Reassign Hwc
CCC - Instructional Design
CCC - Instructional Services
CCC - Italian
CCC - Learning Skills Special Ed
CCC - Learning Technology Center
CCC - Legal Assist Paralegal
CCC - Library Resources Center
CCC - LP Bookstore Building
CCC - Mailroom
CCC - Maintenance And Operations
CCC - Management Devlp and Supervision
CCC - Marine Science
CCC - Math
CCC - Math Science ESL Division Office
CCC - Math Science ESL English Hum Foreig
CCC - Matriculation Credit Assessment
CCC - Matriculation Credit Counseling
CCC - Matriculation Non Credit Counseling
CCC - MIS Maintenance Non Instr
CCC - Music
CCC - Ofc of Instruction & Stu Svcs
CCC - Office Of Instruction
CCC - One Stop Center
CCC - Other Asian Language
CCC - Pacific Bridge Aapi Grant
CCC - Painting And Drawing
CCC - Philosophy
CCC - Physical Education
CCC - Physics
CCC - Political Science
CCC - President Office
CCC - Process Technology
CCC - Psychology
CCC - Public Relations Office
CCC - Rci Military Program Admin
CCC - Real Estate
CCC - Reimb Ancillary Bookstore
CCC - Reimb Ancillary Ce
CCC - Reimb Ancillary Ce Instructions
CCC - Reimb Ancillary Foundation
Ccc - Reimb Ancillary Isd Admin
CCC - Reimb Ancillary ISD Marketing
CCC - Reimb Ancillary ISD Production
CCC - Reimb Ancillary Isd Publication
CCC - Salary Clearing Department
Ccc - Security Services
CCC - SMP Matriculation A and R
CCC - Sociology
CCC - Spanish
CCC - Special Education Division
CCC - Speech Communications
CCC - Student Services
CCC - Student Services Office
CCC - Transfer Center
CCC - Tutorial Services Student Success
CCC - VTEA BIC Advisory Comm Yr 2 and 3
CCC - WIA ITA Trng Prov Tuition Reimb
CCC - WIA South Disadvantaged Adult
District - Accounting
District - Accounts Payable
District - Administrative Services
District - Application Support
District - BFAP Financial Aid Admin
District - Board Financial Asst Allwnc
District - Board Of Trustees
District - Board Office
District - Budget
District - Bursar Office
District - Chancellor
District - Custodial Services
District - Director Human Resources
District - DIS Administration
District - Educational Services
District - EHS and Transportation Dist Site
District - Employee Benefit Services
District - Employee Recruit And Staff Analysis
District - Employee Recruitment Staff Analysis
District - Employment Svs and Record Mgmt
District - Environ Health And Safety
District - Executive
District - Facilities Management
District - Faculty Senate
District - Financial Aid
District - Financial Aid Office
District - Fiscal Affairs
District - Fiscal Services Office
District - Governing Board
District - Human Resources
District - Intl Student Dual Enrollment Prgm
District - Payroll
District - Public Information
District - Purchasing
District - Risk Management Services
District - Risk Services Management
District - Student Transportation
District - Tech Support Computer Operations
District - Technical Support General
District - Telecommunications
District - Vice Chancellor Admin Svs
District - Vice Chancellor Human Resources
GWC - A And R Office General
GWC - Ab77 Dsp And S Support
GWC - Academic Collective Bargaining
GWC - Accounting
GWC - Admissions And Records
GWC - AIS Maintenance Academic
Gwc - Anthropology
GWC - Art
GWC - Art Photography
GWC - Arts And Letters
GWC - Arts And Letters Division Office
GWC - Athletics Revolving Auxilliary
GWC - Athletics Support
GWC - Automotive Technology
GWC - Biology
GWC - Bookstore Auxilliary
GWC - Bookstore Operations
GWC - Building Maintenance General
GWC - Business
GWC - Business And Information Systems
Gwc - Business Management
GWC - Business Marketing
GWC - Ca Works Alliance JT SMCC Y1
GWC - Ca Works Alliance JT SMCC Y3
GWC - Career and Employment Services
GWC - Career Guidance
GWC - Career Planning Counseling
GWC - Career Technical Education
GWC - Career Technical Education Division
GWC - Career Technical Education Office
GWC - Cba Computer Business Applications
GWC - College Computer Support
GWC - College Foundation and Commty Rela
Gwc - College Promotions
GWC - College Success
GWC - Community Services
GWC - Community Services Activities Auxil
GWC - Computer Science Program Language
GWC - Cosmetology
GWC - Counseling And Guidance
GWC - Counseling Services
GWC - Criminal Justice Contract Education
GWC - Criminal Justice Training
GWC - Criminal Justice Training Center
GWC - Custodial Services
GWC - Dance
Gwc - Digital Media
GWC - Distance Learning
GWC - Drafting
GWC - Dsp And S Programs
GWC - Economics
GWC - Education Classes Language Arts
GWC - Educational Services
GWC - Employee Recruit and Staff Analysis
GWC - Engineering Technology
GWC - English
GWC - Eops
GWC - EOPS A Administrative Match
GWC - Esl
GWC - Financial Aid
GWC - Fiscal Services
GWC - Fiscal Services Office
GWC - Fiscal Svcs Aux and Anc Op
Gwc - Floral Design
GWC - Foundation
GWC - Geography
GWC - Graphic Arts
GWC - Graphic Services and Print Shop
GWC - Grounds Maintenance
GWC - GWC Enterprise
GWC - Health Professions Division
GWC - History
GWC - Institutional Research
GWC - Instructional Services
Gwc - International Student Center
GWC - International Student Programs
GWC - Journalism Western Sun
GWC - Language Arts Division
GWC - Languages
GWC - Learning Assistance Centers
GWC - Learning Resource Center Tutorial
GWC - Learning Resources Center
GWC - Lhs Health Services Office
GWC - Library Services
Gwc - Ll4 Security Services Parking
GWC - Maintenance And Operations
GWC - Math
GWC - Math And Science Division
GWC - Media Productions Auxilliary
GWC - MIS Maintenance Non Instructional
GWC - Music
GWC - Music Commercial
GWC - Nursing
GWC - Nursing Expansion Grant
GWC - Office Of Instruction
GWC - Parking Fines
GWC - Pe Division Office
GWC - Peace Studies
GWC - Personnel Services
GWC - Personnel Services And Records
GWC - Philosophy
GWC - Photography
GWC - Physical Education
GWC - Physical Education and Athletics
GWC - Physical Science General
GWC - Political Science
GWC - Pool Maintenance Services
GWC - Presidents Office
GWC - Printing Shop
GWC - Psychology Instruction
GWC - Public Safety
GWC - Re Entry Cal Works
GWC - Receiving Fixed Assets
GWC - Rhorc
GWC - RHORC Program Testing Auxilliary
GWC - S75 EOPS A Administration
GWC - S75 EOPS Student Services General
GWC - S77 Ab77 DSPS Adapted Pe
GWC - S77 Ab77 DSPS Support
GWC - SAP BRD Financial Assistant Allowan
GWC - Shc Rhorc Health Care Development
GWC - Sign Interpreter Special Education
GWC - SMP Matriculation A and R
GWC - SMP Matriculation Assessment
GWC - SMP Matricution Counseling
GWC - Social Science Division Office
GWC - Sociology
GWC - Spanish
GWC - Speech And Communications
GWC - Staff Development Office of Inst
GWC - Student Activities
GWC - Student Health Services
GWC - Student Outreach Services
GWC - Student Services
GWC - Student Services Aux And Anc Op
GWC - Theatre
GWC - Theatre Arts
GWC - Theatre Auxilliary
Gwc - Transfer Center
Gwc - Vice President Administrative Svcs
GWC - Vietnamese
GWC - Views Human Thru Art
GWC - Vp Administrative Services
GWC - WIA ARRA Hi Demand Training Svc
GWC - WIA Nursing Expansion Grant Yr 1011
GWC - WIA Nursing Expansion Grant Yr 1112
GWC - WIA Nursing Expansion Grant Yr 1213
Gwc - Writing Center
OCC - Ab77 Learning Disabled Center
OCC - Academic Senate
Occ - Academic Senate Occ
OCC - Accounting
OCC - Adapted Physical Education
OCC - Administrative Services
OCC - Admission N Records
OCC - Admissions N Records Office
OCC - Alcohol Prevention Svs OCC
OCC - Allied Health
OCC - American Language Basic Skills Esl
OCC - Ancillary Sports Events
Occ - Answer Center
OCC - Anthropology
OCC - Architectural Technology
OCC - Ariline Travel Career
OCC - Art
Occ - Arts Pavilion Starbucks
OCC - Asocc Bookstore
OCC - Asocc Student Support
OCC - Astronomy
OCC - Athletics
OCC - Aviation Pilot Training
OCC - Basic Skills Grant
OCC - Biological Sciences
OCC - Board Financial Asst Allwnc
OCC - Board Office
OCC - Building Maintenance
OCC - Bursar Office
OCC - Business
OCC - Business Management
OCC - Business Marketing
OCC - Cal Works Coordination
OCC - Cal Works Welfare Reform
Occ - Campus Public Safety
OCC - Career Services
OCC - Cateteria
OCC - Cateteria n Snack Bars
OCC - CCP for Foster Youth
OCC - Chemistry
OCC - Child Development Early Care N Ed
OCC - Children Center
OCC - College Foundation
OCC - Commencement
OCC - Computer Information Sciences
OCC - Computer Maintenance
OCC - Computer Programming
OCC - Construction Technology
OCC - Consumer N Health Science Div Off
OCC - Consumer N Health Science Division
OCC - Counseling Instruction
Occ - Counseling N Guidance
OCC - Counseling Services
OCC - Counseling Services Lottery
OCC - Creative Writing
OCC - Ctv Cardiovascular Technology
Occ - Culinary Arts
OCC - Custodial Services
OCC - Dance
OCC - Dance Trust
OCC - Dean Of Students
OCC - Dean Student Services
OCC - Dental Assistant
OCC - Digital Media Arts
Occ - Discret Support Child Care Center
OCC - Display N Visual Promotion
OCC - Dms Diagnostic Medical Sonography
OCC - Early Alert System yr05
Occ - Early Childhood Education Lab
OCC - Economics
OCC - Education Teacher Prep
OCC - Electronics Technology
OCC - Emt Emergency Medical Technology
OCC - Energy Management
OCC - English
OCC - English Composition
OCC - Environmental Control HVAC
OCC - EOPS A Administration
OCC - EOPS B Student Services
OCC - EOPS Grant
OCC - EOPS Services
OCC - Ethnic Studies N Sociology
OCC - Executive
OCC - Facilities Projects
OCC - Fashion
OCC - Film Including Video
OCC - Film N Video
OCC - Financial Aid
OCC - Financial Aid Office
OCC - Fiscal Affairs
OCC - Fiscal Services Office
OCC - Food N Nutrition
OCC - Food Services
OCC - Food Services Non Instructional
OCC - Foundation
OCC - Gallery N Exhibits
OCC - Geography
OCC - Geology
OCC - Grounds Services
OCC - Health Education
OCC - Health Info Tech Workforce Dev
OCC - Health Services Office
OCC - History
OCC - Honors Program
OCC - Hospitality
OCC - Hotel Management
OCC - Humanities
OCC - Information Technology
Occ - Institutional Effectiveness
OCC - Institutional Research
OCC - Instr Programsn Extend Ed Ancillary
OCC - Instructional Services
OCC - Inter Disciplineary n Soc Sic
OCC - Interior Design
Occ - International Student Programs
OCC - Journalism
OCC - Language Lab
OCC - Large Group
OCC - Large Group Facilities
OCC - Lease Facilities Dedicated Revenue
OCC - Library n Library Media Services
OCC - Library Services
OCC - Library Services Lottery
OCC - Literature N Language Division
OCC - Literature N Language Division Off
OCC - Machine Technology
OCC - Mailroom
Occ - Maintenance N Operations
OCC - Maintenance N Operations Office
OCC - Marine Science
Occ - Math N Science Division
OCC - Mathematics
OCC - Matriculation Admissions n Record
OCC - Matriculation Assessment
OCC - Matriculation Counseling
OCC - Music
OCC - Music Choral
OCC - Music Commercial
OCC - Ndt Neurodiagnostic Technology
OCC - Nutrition Dietetics
OCC - Office of Instruction
OCC - Orange Coast College
Occ - Ornamental Horticulture
OCC - Parking Fee Services
OCC - Payroll
OCC - Performing Arts
OCC - Personnel Office
OCC - Photography
OCC - Physical Education
OCC - Physical Education Division Office
OCC - Physical Education n Athletics Div
OCC - Physics
OCC - Political Sci Amer Stdy Leadership
OCC - Political Sci n American Studies
Occ - Presidents Office
OCC - Print Shop
OCC - Professional Mariner Program
OCC - PSG Polysmnography
OCC - Psychology
OCC - Public Information Office
OCC - Puente Program
OCC - Radiologic Technology
OCC - Recycling Center
OCC - ReEntry Center
OCC - Religious Studies N Philosophy
OCC - Reprographics
OCC - Respiratory Care
OCC - Sailing Center
OCC - Self-paced Math
OCC - Small Boats Sailing Base
OCC - Snack Bars
OCC - Snack Shack
OCC - Social n Behaviorial Science Div
OCC - Speech
Occ - Spla Pathology Speech Language
OCC - Staff Development
OCC - Strenthening Institutions Title III
OCC - Student Health Services
OCC - Student Scholarship Adm
OCC - Student Services
OCC - Student Special Services
OCC - Student Success Center
OCC - Swap Meet Enterprise
OCC - Switchboard
OCC - Tax Studies
OCC - Technology Division
OCC - Theatre Arts
OCC - Transfer Center
OCC - Visual N Performing Arts
OCC - Visual N Performing Arts Div Office
OCC - Voc Education Support Services
OCC - VP Office Of Instruction
OCC - VP Student Services Office
OCC - VTEA Internship Academy
OCC - VTEA Tech Prep Consortium
OCC - Web Services
OCC - Welding Technology
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GWC - College Foundation and Commty Rela
Coast Community College District
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