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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal

This city does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

Report: Historical Trending

Historical Chart for Total Wages 2013|$8,214,007 2014|$8,268,263 2015|$8,635,683 2016|$8,688,826 2017|$8,549,634 2013|$8,214,007 2014|$8,268,263 2015|$8,635,683 2016|$8,688,826 2017|$8,549,634
Historical Chart for Total Retirement & Health Contribution 2013|$2,625,632 2014|$2,650,030 2015|$2,733,183 2016|$2,459,617 2017|$2,368,220 2013|$2,625,632 2014|$2,650,030 2015|$2,733,183 2016|$2,459,617 2017|$2,368,220
Historical Chart for Employees 2013|276 2014|277 2015|262 2016|278 2017|287 2013|276 2014|277 2015|262 2016|278 2017|287
Historical Chart for Residents 2013|23,943 2014|24,212 2015|24,263 2016|24,202 2017|24,296 2013|23,943 2014|24,212 2015|24,263 2016|24,202 2017|24,296
Years Employees Residents Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
2017 287 24,296 $8,549,634 $2,368,220
2016 278 24,202 $8,688,826 $2,459,617
2015 262 24,263 $8,635,683 $2,733,183
2014 277 24,212 $8,268,263 $2,650,030
2013 276 23,943 $8,214,007 $2,625,632