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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
County: Fresno County

This city includes payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

Report: Historical Trending

Historical Chart for Total Wages 2013|$6,886,493 2014|$7,221,424 2015|$8,086,359 2016|$8,136,840 2017|$8,450,605 2013|$6,886,493 2014|$7,221,424 2015|$8,086,359 2016|$8,136,840 2017|$8,450,605
Historical Chart for Total Retirement & Health Contribution 2013|$2,694,778 2014|$2,919,498 2015|$2,944,746 2016|$2,947,984 2017|$3,278,737 2013|$2,694,778 2014|$2,919,498 2015|$2,944,746 2016|$2,947,984 2017|$3,278,737
Historical Chart for Employees 2013|243 2014|254 2015|265 2016|290 2017|284 2013|243 2014|254 2015|265 2016|290 2017|284
Historical Chart for Residents 2013|25,122 2014|25,488 2015|25,999 2016|26,152 2017|26,390 2013|25,122 2014|25,488 2015|25,999 2016|26,152 2017|26,390
Years Employees Residents Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
2017 284 26,390 $8,450,605 $3,278,737
2016 290 26,152 $8,136,840 $2,947,984
2015 265 25,999 $8,086,359 $2,944,746
2014 254 25,488 $7,221,424 $2,919,498
2013 243 25,122 $6,886,493 $2,694,778