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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal

Report: K-12 Employers in County

K-12 Education Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Tulare County Office of Education 2,457 $86,045,062 $35,355,718
Allensworth Elementary
Alpaugh Unified
Alta Vista Elementary
Buena Vista Elementary 40 $1,362,587 $555,545
Burton Elementary
Columbine Elementary 33 $1,220,110 $488,502
Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified
Ducor Union Elementary
Earlimart Elementary
Hope Elementary (Tulare)
Hot Springs Elementary
Kings River Union Elementary
Liberty Elementary (Tulare)
Lindsay Unified 1,139 $47,192,080 $16,322,289
Monson-Sultana Joint Union Elementary 86 $3,607,818 $1,266,963
Oak Valley Union Elementary
Outside Creek Elementary
Palo Verde Union Elementary
Pixley Union Elementary
Pleasant View Elementary
Richgrove Elementary
Rockford Elementary
Saucelito Elementary
Sequoia Union Elementary
Springville Union Elementary
Stone Corral Elementary
Strathmore Union Elementary
Sundale Union Elementary
Sunnyside Union Elementary 107 $3,612,763 $1,421,713
Terra Bella Union Elementary 172 $7,757,770 $2,743,943
Three Rivers Union Elementary 38 $817,222 $346,174
Tipton Elementary 103 $3,700,407 $1,416,663
Traver Joint Elementary
Tulare City
Tulare Joint Union High 1,280 $52,507,591 $18,383,582
Visalia Unified 4,816 $254,505,546 $85,563,580
Waukena Joint Union Elementary
Woodville Union Elementary 102 $3,520,658 $1,263,354
Farmersville Unified 614 $23,959,581 $8,523,457
Porterville Unified
Dinuba Unified 1,079 $52,155,734 $18,094,355
Woodlake Unified 548 $18,578,254 $7,049,832
Eleanor Roosevelt Community Learning Center
California Connections Academy Central Valley
Valley Life Charter
Exeter Unified 629 $22,220,024 $7,257,227
Sycamore Valley Academy
Blue Oak Academy
Crescent Valley Public Charter II
Monarch River Academy