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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal

Report: K-12 Employers in County

K-12 Education Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Merced County Office of Education
Atwater Elementary 949 $38,419,966 $12,727,333
Ballico-Cressey Elementary 93 $2,471,163 $782,766
El Nido Elementary 49 $1,248,467 $374,038
Hilmar Unified 457 $18,452,043 $5,852,004
Le Grand Union Elementary 117 $3,272,128 $979,801
Le Grand Union High 156 $5,105,351 $1,992,702
Livingston Union
Los Banos Unified
McSwain Union Elementary 190 $5,907,236 $1,884,814
Merced City Elementary 1,941 $90,079,988 $33,290,040
Merced Union High 1,101 $50,352,843 $17,855,287
Plainsburg Union Elementary 30 $686,213 $270,151
Planada Elementary
Snelling-Merced Falls Union Elementary
Weaver Union
Winton 363 $17,422,822 $5,272,749
Gustine Unified
Merced River Union Elementary
Dos Palos Oro Loma Joint Unified
Delhi Unified