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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Twin Hills Union Elementary
County: Sonoma County

This K-12 education employer does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

Last Updated: 12/4/2018

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Admin 1 $166,680 $30,747
Cafe 2 $30,917 $4,478
Daycare 11 $127,914 $20,148
Ins Aide 15 $151,542 $21,586
Instructional Aide 23 $271,162 $54,191
Sunridge School 15 $7,163 $645
Teacher 16 $794,495 $204,214
Teachers 60 $3,097,557 $850,353
Twin Hills Union 66 $85,123 $9,616
Maincust 10 $372,994 $106,976
Offstaff 10 $303,917 $89,806
School Counselor 2 $68,711 $20,055
Distoff 4 $264,551 $70,703
Instruction Support Coord 1 $61,269 $8,128
Nurse 1 $31,644 $4,176
Siteadmn 4 $393,988 $77,699
Supstaff 8 $157,068 $24,115
Yardaide 1 $41,680 $15,798