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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
San Jose Unified

This K-12 education employer does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

Last Updated: 12/6/2024

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Administrative Services 34 $577,408 $266
Anne Darling Preschool 1 $35,580 $14,573
Board Of Education 5 $50,029 $43,504
Educational Equity 15 $1,915,048 $622,135
Facilities & Construction 3 $339,215 $121,660
Fiscal Services 27 $2,085,386 $933,650
Fleet Maintenance And Repair 4 $310,970 $165,271
Food Services Department 138 $4,043,742 $2,582,974
Grant Preschool 1 $33,704 $10,285
Grounds Department 31 $1,504,549 $838,411
Health Services Office 86 $3,992,680 $1,710,538
Horace Mann Preschool 2 $37,727 $16,151
Human Resources 19 $1,582,956 $662,408
Operations Department 160 $8,304,056 $4,052,389
Preschool/Child Development 1 $17,381 $1,579
Saint Patrick's 1 $1,940 $25
Special Education 137 $8,331,258 $2,485,123
Student Assignment 28 $1,355,878 $522,587
Student Services 33 $2,696,509 $959,880
Substitutes-Human Resources 403 $4,801,228 $725,406
Superintendent's Office 13 $2,239,385 $689,722
Transportation Department 104 $4,638,042 $2,388,844
Washington Preschool 1 $39,702 $25,653
Deceased 1 $12,969 $1,252
Almaden Elem Preschool 1 $31,191 $9,895
Almaden Elementary 28 $2,205,232 $811,675
Anne Darling Elementary 35 $2,301,931 $781,847
Booksin Elementary 51 $3,605,225 $1,393,254
Canoas Elementary 67 $3,408,930 $1,587,175
Empire Gardens Elementary 32 $1,611,772 $580,124
Gardner Elementary 37 $2,212,309 $847,779
Grant Elementary 39 $2,823,672 $1,093,777
Graystone Elementary 43 $3,012,216 $1,200,221
John Muir Middle 72 $5,717,535 $2,143,962
Los Alamitos Elementary 40 $2,909,983 $1,166,395
Lowell Elementary 26 $1,798,060 $664,743
Maintenance Corp Yard 46 $3,931,732 $1,702,641
Police Department 1 $135,575 $54,321
Purchasing & Contracts 8 $676,214 $294,746
Reed Elementary 28 $2,075,312 $793,397
River Glen Elementary 25 $1,933,541 $728,134
Schallenberger Elementary 42 $3,115,900 $1,212,750
Simonds Elementary 42 $2,812,632 $1,156,800
Terrell Elementary 40 $2,295,505 $952,000
Washington Elementary 37 $2,666,662 $916,136
Williams Elementary 39 $2,946,500 $1,215,456
Willow Glen Elementary 56 $4,105,118 $1,583,772
Willow Glen Middle 91 $7,263,127 $2,715,588
Curriculum & Instruction Elementary 25 $2,559,978 $906,191
Curriculum & Instruction Secondary 21 $1,966,855 $614,966
Family Engagement 15 $593,292 $270,572
Ernesto Galarza Elementary 33 $2,194,646 $924,681
Merritt Trace Elementary 65 $4,768,586 $1,882,153
Rachel Carson Elementary 29 $1,824,985 $753,232
Selma Olinder Elementary 38 $2,310,093 $917,568
Abraham Lincoln High 148 $9,769,829 $3,400,750
Data Strategy & Analytics 8 $621,039 $239,481
Allen At Steinbeck 51 $3,165,497 $1,203,396
Bret Harte Middle 78 $5,947,112 $2,271,701
Broadway High 39 $2,744,667 $1,113,688
Castillero Middle 75 $5,518,478 $2,075,121
Gunderson High 109 $6,725,288 $2,331,752
Hacienda Science/Environmental Mag 45 $3,260,904 $1,254,231
Hammer Montessori At Galarza 22 $1,506,940 $568,966
Herbert Hoover Middle 82 $6,101,108 $2,248,979
Horace Mann Elementary 34 $2,020,559 $673,376
Internal Audit 2 $187,953 $65,672
Leland High 195 $9,730,856 $3,535,450
Liberty (Alternative) 39 $2,816,334 $1,189,119
Middle College High 2 $267,886 $97,967
Muwekma Ohlone Middle 64 $4,442,747 $1,626,657
Pioneer High 143 $8,765,102 $3,191,972
River Glen Middle 8 $639,725 $247,400
San Jose High 98 $6,008,395 $2,013,221
San Jose Teachers Association 1 $119,623 $29,342
Student Nutrition 1 $50,933 $20,884
Technology & Data Services 57 $3,364,394 $1,410,040
Walter L Bachrodt Elementary 44 $3,146,631 $1,119,746
Willow Glen High 160 $9,648,717 $3,553,026