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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Lodi Unified

This K-12 education employer does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

Last Updated: 1/27/2023

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Accounting 23 $1,181,399 $331,960
Ansel Adams Elementary 71 $3,577,451 $973,269
Bear Creek High 197 $11,742,201 $3,115,632
Beckman Elementary 59 $3,065,157 $837,265
Budget 5 $428,705 $97,734
Child Welfare & Attendance 15 $661,009 $168,374
Christa McAuliffe Middle 69 $4,019,514 $1,042,799
Clairmont Elementary 54 $2,872,321 $747,117
Clyde W Needham Elementary 40 $1,921,048 $524,845
Creekside Elementary 63 $2,953,298 $776,049
Curriculum & Instruction 40 $1,361,976 $342,504
Curriculum - Gate 3 $167,506 $58,462
Curriculum - P.E. 36 $2,675,235 $699,369
Davis Elementary 41 $1,692,906 $494,446
Delta Sierra Middle 60 $3,195,559 $856,678
Dorothy Mahin Infant Program 14 $831,369 $187,424
Educational Support Srvcs-Whs 2 $2,027 $0
Elkhorn 20 $1,285,470 $342,770
Ellerth E Larson Elementary 70 $4,426,295 $1,187,400
Erma B Reese Elementary 53 $3,035,954 $875,985
Facilities & Planning 5 $324,767 $87,049
George L Mosher Elementary 52 $2,562,185 $707,398
George Washington Elementary 62 $2,708,417 $749,590
Heritage Elementary 55 $3,023,083 $797,249
Houston 21 $921,544 $254,777
Independence 12 $1,122,759 $323,177
Instructional Material Center 3 $163,380 $51,001
Intervention & Supplemental Prog 4 $234,659 $69,618
Joe Serna Jr Charter 35 $2,544,308 $706,190
John Muir Elementary 54 $3,051,620 $772,290
Julia Morgan Elementary 43 $2,709,620 $724,669
Lakewood Elementary 39 $2,474,094 $639,674
Lawrence Elementary 68 $3,296,441 $865,879
Leroy Nichols Elementary 60 $2,476,264 $652,196
Liberty High 17 $1,277,592 $307,282
Lincoln Technical Academy 26 $1,641,474 $421,150
Live Oak Elementary 41 $2,010,235 $562,312
Lockeford K-8 45 $2,261,063 $655,457
Lodi High 189 $12,701,768 $3,185,414
Lodi Middle 86 $4,656,067 $1,329,798
Lodi Unified 771 $5,127,021 $473,374
Lois E Borchardt Elementary 66 $3,962,891 $1,096,777
Maintenance & Operations 80 $4,498,138 $1,333,636
Manlio Silva Elementary 59 $3,610,650 $883,587
Middle College High 16 $1,182,014 $327,499
Millswood Middle 72 $4,601,548 $1,204,503
Morada Middle 77 $4,180,010 $1,183,194
Needham West 35 $1,743,798 $509,085
Oakwood Elementary 54 $2,890,368 $798,328
Parklane Elementary 67 $3,008,636 $752,628
Personnel 20 $1,445,658 $335,999
Plaza Robles High 28 $1,519,552 $380,392
Podesta Ranch Elementary 48 $2,196,328 $604,672
Purchasing 6 $401,375 $97,733
Ronald E McNair High 183 $10,829,879 $3,008,461
School Readiness & Preschool 44 $1,439,218 $379,117
Special Education 176 $5,936,894 $1,508,521
Superintendent's Office 5 $485,523 $83,105
Sutherland Elementary 44 $2,053,256 $539,968
Technology Services 43 $3,292,117 $880,557
Tokay High 183 $11,713,047 $3,364,264
Transportation 123 $4,180,397 $1,153,199
Victor Elementary 33 $1,241,210 $326,004
Vinewood Elementary 44 $2,569,247 $758,589
Wagner-Holt Elementary 53 $2,819,268 $694,149
Warehouse 8 $595,206 $133,277
Westwood Elementary 60 $2,901,906 $837,306
Woodbridge Elementary 40 $2,161,250 $604,341
Assessment Research & Eval 8 $537,096 $140,036
Business Srvcs 2 $296,134 $51,663
Curriculum - Music 43 $3,014,684 $839,973
Curriculum - Prof Dev 17 $1,406,378 $394,869
Educational Support Srvcs 31 $1,622,800 $409,741
Instructional Media Srvcs 5 $234,419 $72,708
Instructional Srvcs - Elem 4 $407,638 $81,536
Instructional Srvcs - Sec 20 $1,375,540 $320,308
Print Shop 3 $202,097 $40,716
Psych Srvcs-Student Support 36 $3,843,035 $809,669
Special Srvcs - Health 90 $5,703,458 $1,274,353
Special Srvcs - Mental Health 5 $118,600 $40,094
Student Srvcs - Selpa 3 $231,603 $48,408
Turner Academy At Tokay Colony 14 $595,546 $154,148
Payroll 12 $652,476 $183,777
Positive School Climate 15 $519,903 $137,650
Board Of Education 7 $29,535 $69,681
Central Kitchen 26 $718,563 $196,045
Henderson 13 $672,144 $171,584
Nutrition Services 29 $1,465,843 $411,463
Lv Of Abs (Lea President) 1 $106,660 $41,381
PIO/Grant Writer Office 1 $114,579 $23,759
Valley Robotics Academy 15 $838,103 $222,852
Digital Academy 10 $660,417 $176,809