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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Greenfield Union Elementary
County: Monterey County

This K-12 education employer does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

Last Updated: 11/28/2023

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Board Member 6 $11,904 $0
Certificate Support Services 20 $1,635,156 $468,202
Associate Superintendent 1 $181,147 $48,565
Crossing Guard 3 $33,795 $0
Teachers 199 $13,651,671 $4,132,136
Superintendent 1 $232,705 $56,982
Student Supervision Assistant 26 $457,855 $159,475
Migrant Program 1 $48,757 $29,872
Health Aide 5 $180,968 $125,119
Greenfield Union School District 95 $740,709 $52,543
Facilities and Maintenance 42 $2,267,107 $986,600
Dept Secretary 6 $350,805 $177,414
Confidential 3 $255,772 $100,593
Comp and Netwk Tech 6 $294,501 $117,195
Community Liaison 16 $497,302 $236,062
Clerk I & II 3 $127,981 $68,234
Classroom Assistance 79 $1,802,394 $757,199
Classified Secretary 11 $640,718 $317,569
Classified Media 5 $125,285 $62,325
Classified Management 10 $835,076 $291,988
Certificated Management 15 $1,874,611 $524,825
Campus Supervisor 5 $177,870 $111,934
Busi. Serv. Ana. II Payroll 2 $159,027 $75,308
Busi Serv Ana II Acct 2 $144,633 $74,169
After School Education and Safety 29 $412,772 $77,417
Preschool 9 $284,405 $134,548
Food Service 36 $765,817 $419,179