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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Covina-Valley Unified
Last Updated: 10/27/2015

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Accounting & Payroll 12 $745,404 $237,845
Adult Education Administration 67 $1,210,544 $205,575
Adult Education Griswold 6 $233,754 $69,559
Adult Education Pioneer 18 $639,512 $173,715
Asst. Supt. Ed. Svcs 8 $463,466 $100,601
Barranca 49 $2,951,001 $592,912
Barranca Cafeteria 2 $30,626 $7,702
Ben Lomond 41 $2,311,400 $571,059
Ben Lomond Cafeteria 2 $31,961 $17,615
Board Member 5 $0 $53,956
Building Maintenance 15 $918,354 $277,109
Business Services 3 $398,592 $54,006
Children's Center 53 $1,265,277 $234,585
Covina Educ Center 38 $859,059 $185,877
Covina High 150 $6,143,181 $1,419,045
Covina High Cafeteria 15 $204,215 $23,594
Cypress 60 $3,332,409 $774,825
Cypress Cafeteria 2 $30,703 $8,271
Cypress Kid'S Korner 1 $13,210 $725
Dir. Business Operations 2 $86,070 $20,798
Director Student Services 34 $2,342,762 $544,619
Director, Curriculum 7 $446,301 $81,351
Director, Special Projects 1 $48,327 $5,578
District Cafeteria 8 $325,984 $74,117
District/Temp-Extra Duty 1 $255 $0
Fair Valley 26 $1,366,276 $314,711
Grounds 10 $469,361 $176,748
Grove Center 55 $2,731,527 $599,050
Grove Center Cafeteria 3 $28,626 $886
Grove Center Kid's Korner 3 $31,308 $2,451
Lark Ellen 42 $2,074,721 $481,630
Lark Ellen Cafeteria 4 $30,829 $0
Las Palmas 70 $4,068,099 $871,315
Las Palmas Cafeteria 6 $96,502 $11,982
Maintenance & Operations 8 $533,349 $119,171
Manzanita 35 $1,717,995 $332,686
Manzanita Cafeteria 3 $31,121 $1,746
Merwin 48 $2,465,166 $564,826
Merwin Cafeteria 2 $29,923 $7,722
Mesa 55 $3,497,821 $787,346
Mesa Cafeteria 2 $29,850 $8,266
Mesa Kid'S Korner 2 $18,827 $0
Northview 148 $6,225,194 $1,359,798
Northview Cafeteria 17 $204,119 $24,579
Painting 2 $110,794 $42,211
Personnel 13 $810,015 $173,737
Pupil Transportation 20 $893,501 $293,702
Purchasing 5 $273,682 $77,211
Reprographics 3 $122,350 $40,117
Research & Pgm Eval. Dept. 1 $129,876 $25,258
Rowland Avenue 45 $2,340,267 $457,526
Rowland Avenue Cafeteria 2 $31,368 $2,723
Rowland Kid'S Korner 1 $13,921 $0
Selpa Admin Unit (Selpa Au) 4 $325,608 $75,499
Sierra Vista 72 $3,869,052 $846,902
Sierra Vista Cafeteria 4 $71,235 $18,910
South Hills 183 $7,991,155 $1,774,006
South Hills Cafeteria 14 $195,764 $20,542
Student Services 1 $51,768 $11,886
Substitutes 517 $2,308,671 $99,435
Superintendent 5 $433,872 $84,660
Technology Support Systems 21 $1,147,252 $284,861
Traweek 66 $3,988,495 $870,896
Traweek Cafeteria 8 $114,470 $21,558
Traweek Teen Scene 1 $14,262 $1,651
Vehicle Maintenance 4 $172,100 $64,304
Vincent/Sp. Ed. 11 $757,282 $160,019
Warehouse 5 $156,854 $59,840
Welfare And Attendance 2 $164,336 $26,885
Workman 47 $2,415,560 $506,818
Workman Cafeteria 2 $30,625 $7,744
Workman Kid'S Korner 2 $23,635 $952