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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Coast Community College District
County: Orange County
Last Updated: 8/22/2017

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
CCC - Ab77 DSPS Programs 1 $792 $10
CCC - Accounting 1 $110,490 $28,168
CCC - Administrative Services 2 $184,142 $53,849
CCC - Admission And Records 11 $544,187 $172,776
CCC - Admission Guidance and Info Serv 13 $233,748 $35,347
CCC - Anthropology 2 $22,809 $4,559
CCC - Applied Design 2 $23,265 $8,324
CCC - Arabic 1 $6,302 $716
CCC - Art 12 $221,008 $62,518
CCC - Bfap Financial Aid Admin 3 $185,702 $69,719
CCC - Biology 14 $561,503 $125,348
CCC - Building Codes Technology 1 $4,266 $55
CCC - Business And Commerce 4 $248,599 $47,859
CCC - Business Computing 1 $5,177 $560
CCC - Cal Works And Tranf Services 9 $60,202 $3,777
CCC - Ce General Instructional 7 $150,491 $48,974
CCC - Ce Marketing And Outreach 2 $60,581 $26,834
Ccc - Ce Military Program D/S 5 $327,155 $118,026
CCC - CE Military Program Non Instr 15 $543,673 $165,608
CCC - Ce Nc Pace Operations 3 $207,917 $72,910
CCC - Chemistry 9 $429,696 $86,422
CCC - Chinese 1 $44,733 $12,732
CCC - Coastline College 4 $114,530 $21,899
CCC - College Foundation Office 4 $193,754 $54,969
CCC - Community Relations 2 $15,921 $207
CCC - Computer Networking 2 $282,419 $63,120
CCC - Corporate Education 5 $524,841 $141,049
CCC - Counseling And Leadership 21 $330,078 $67,391
CCC - Custodial Services 5 $234,355 $91,761
CCC - Distance Learn And Virtual Library 12 $131,869 $17,079
CCC - Distance Learning 8 $467,541 $135,395
CCC - Economics 3 $44,658 $10,282
CCC - Education Division 1 $30,582 $11,229
CCC - English 8 $383,902 $84,084
CCC - Environmental Studies 2 $96,813 $26,747
CCC - EOPS Counselor 1 $169,752 $35,191
CCC - EOPS Program B 1 $57,696 $22,805
CCC - Esl 15 $453,534 $142,254
CCC - Faculty Senate 2 $92,101 $31,422
CCC - Fairview Admin Office 2 $252,219 $59,419
CCC - Fairview Instructional 2 $252,568 $59,717
Ccc - Financial Aid 7 $98,905 $20,846
CCC - Financial Aid Office 4 $309,690 $99,861
CCC - Fiscal Services 6 $353,022 $108,885
CCC - Geology 3 $37,298 $4,575
CCC - Guidance And Career Planning 6 $123,683 $31,726
CCC - Health Education Skills 3 $297,555 $65,122
CCC - History 5 $209,593 $37,468
CCC - Human Resources Operation 6 $246,379 $84,838
CCC - Human Services 1 $49,286 $16,212
CCC - Humanities 1 $6,715 $768
CCC - Info Career And Tech Ed Div Office 3 $281,687 $79,983
CCC - Info Sys Career And Tech Ed 17 $320,338 $58,403
CCC - Institutional Research 7 $383,071 $74,281
CCC - Instruct Staff Reassign Hwc 1 $131,921 $30,599
CCC - Instructional Services 3 $231,235 $72,107
CCC - Learning Skills Special Ed 2 $150,833 $32,340
CCC - Learning Technology Center 4 $368,173 $108,440
CCC - Legal Assist Paralegal 4 $141,299 $30,027
CCC - Library Resources Center 5 $263,621 $84,239
CCC - Mailroom 1 $58,200 $22,803
CCC - Maintenance And Operations 13 $356,012 $98,920
CCC - Management Devlp and Supervision 1 $16,844 $1,439
CCC - Math 15 $879,011 $204,294
CCC - Matriculation Credit Assessment 2 $89,497 $42,195
CCC - Matriculation Credit Counseling 6 $424,113 $120,422
CCC - Matriculation Non Credit Counseling 1 $163,628 $34,506
CCC - Music 3 $13,554 $1,610
CCC - Office Of Instruction 51 $948,089 $275,186
CCC - Pacific Bridge Aapi Grant 1 $45,263 $19,863
CCC - Philosophy 3 $125,693 $31,842
CCC - Physical Education 1 $3,394 $44
CCC - Physics 1 $122,186 $29,390
CCC - Political Science 1 $21,496 $10,183
CCC - President Office 6 $355,469 $102,839
CCC - Psychology 10 $276,907 $63,794
CCC - Public Relations Office 3 $190,464 $70,668
CCC - Rci Military Program Admin 5 $354,612 $119,295
CCC - Real Estate 4 $18,815 $2,141
CCC - Reimb Ancillary Bookstore 4 $149,678 $75,723
CCC - Reimb Ancillary Ce Instructions 8 $31,802 $2,382
CCC - Reimb Ancillary Foundation 1 $60,868 $22,932
Ccc - Reimb Ancillary Isd Admin 4 $365,410 $108,334
CCC - Reimb Ancillary ISD Marketing 1 $16,179 $1,869
CCC - Reimb Ancillary Isd Publication 4 $244,876 $74,505
Ccc - Security Services 22 $432,313 $73,201
CCC - Sociology 5 $79,321 $10,840
CCC - Spanish 6 $218,961 $58,174
CCC - Special Education Division 1 $67,093 $24,019
CCC - Speech Communications 5 $154,582 $36,764
CCC - Student Services Office 25 $205,554 $27,347
CCC - Tutorial Services Student Success 3 $222,239 $54,588
CCC - VP Student Services 2 $223,064 $59,046
District - Accounting 5 $311,735 $111,037
District - Accounts Payable 3 $163,154 $67,198
District - Administrative Services 2 $205,751 $56,927
District - Board Office 8 $259,221 $51,007
District - Budget 3 $102,366 $35,849
District - Chancellor 3 $370,218 $79,897
District - Custodial Services 1 $48,055 $21,603
District - Director Human Resources 4 $373,747 $107,739
District - Educational Services 83 $848,068 $388,961
District - Employee Benefit Services 3 $212,165 $72,000
District - Employee Recruit And Staff Analysis 6 $464,573 $150,630
District - Employee Recruitment Staff Analysis 5 $145,991 $26,867
District - Employment Svs and Record Mgmt 6 $313,489 $112,622
District - Environ Health And Safety 2 $95,693 $41,750
District - Facilities Management 5 $227,769 $57,332
District - Financial Aid 1 $59,946 $23,115
District - Fiscal Affairs 4 $321,063 $98,334
District - Fiscal Services Office 1 $56,841 $22,717
District - Governing Board 7 $86,959 $78,553
District - Payroll 8 $480,097 $149,478
District - Public Information 4 $299,102 $94,712
District - Purchasing 6 $421,947 $146,576
District - Student Transportation 1 $61,045 $23,251
District - Vice Chancellor Admin Svs 2 $272,584 $65,255
District - Vice Chancellor Human Resources 4 $489,953 $119,746
GWC - A And R Office General 8 $457,505 $182,144
GWC - Ab77 Dsp And S Support 2 $111,113 $45,108
GWC - Accounting 11 $264,841 $61,603
GWC - Admissions And Records 20 $421,462 $132,778
GWC - AIS Maintenance Academic 1 $80,955 $25,543
Gwc - Anthropology 6 $152,764 $40,505
GWC - Art 22 $447,424 $89,632
GWC - Art Photography 1 $5,746 $659
GWC - Arts And Letters 4 $181,162 $36,726
GWC - Arts And Letters Division Office 2 $111,194 $45,104
GWC - Athletics Support 3 $262,480 $71,960
GWC - Automotive Technology 8 $371,864 $93,012
GWC - Biology 52 $1,822,342 $457,740
GWC - Bookstore Auxiliary 2 $109,670 $44,887
GWC - Bookstore Operations 2 $78,850 $25,512
GWC - Building Maintenance General 3 $194,971 $71,189
GWC - Business 8 $398,050 $107,298
GWC - Business And Information Systems 1 $58,326 $22,494
GWC - Business Marketing 2 $33,839 $5,197
GWC - Career Planning Counseling 3 $165,190 $41,968
GWC - Career Technical Education 11 $156,212 $29,002
GWC - Career Technical Education Division 2 $78,809 $27,689
GWC - Career Technical Education Office 1 $56,434 $22,677
GWC - Cba Computer Business Applications 4 $290,310 $60,589
GWC - College Computer Support 5 $257,509 $102,345
GWC - College Foundation and Commty Rela 11 $33,762 $2,173
Gwc - College Promotions 8 $422,234 $122,482
GWC - College Success 3 $50,460 $41,048
GWC - Community Services 2 $158,359 $50,916
GWC - Community Services Activities Auxil 6 $78,378 $26,908
GWC - Computer Science Program Language 11 $356,022 $97,521
GWC - Cosmetology 23 $1,412,578 $328,551
GWC - Counseling And Guidance 18 $273,301 $42,619
GWC - Counseling Services 10 $1,073,801 $261,480
GWC - Criminal Justice Training 8 $626,631 $174,961
GWC - Criminal Justice Training Center 131 $1,166,080 $112,684
GWC - Custodial Services 11 $527,467 $199,666
GWC - Dance 6 $140,719 $31,825
Gwc - Digital Media 1 $12,516 $442
GWC - Distance Learning 6 $413,227 $131,816
GWC - Drafting 2 $220,151 $56,122
GWC - Dsp And S Programs 11 $89,227 $14,446
GWC - Economics 5 $141,459 $32,855
GWC - Education Classes Language Arts 2 $11,910 $1,358
GWC - Engineering Technology 1 $135,540 $30,807
GWC - English 50 $1,881,221 $530,886
GWC - Eops 18 $271,607 $38,629
GWC - EOPS A Administrative Match 2 $90,809 $42,559
GWC - Esl 8 $447,422 $115,188
GWC - F42 Federal CWS Program 1 $3,107 $0
GWC - Facilities Projects 2 $186,319 $54,148
GWC - Financial Aid 17 $484,897 $125,173
GWC - Fiscal Services 3 $61,107 $22,519
GWC - Fiscal Services Office 3 $247,573 $76,867
GWC - Fiscal Svcs Aux and Anc Op 3 $199,969 $71,895
Gwc - Floral Design 1 $141,575 $31,529
GWC - Foundation 3 $235,967 $76,224
GWC - Geography 4 $136,049 $34,267
GWC - Graphic Arts 8 $228,527 $49,813
GWC - Graphic Services and Print Shop 1 $5,964 $15,500
GWC - Grounds Maintenance 7 $358,713 $152,667
GWC - GWC Enterprise 53 $487,416 $23,474
GWC - History 9 $420,523 $105,785
GWC - Institutional Research 4 $236,971 $58,429
Gwc - International Student Center 5 $302,480 $101,044
GWC - International Student Programs 7 $51,538 $622
GWC - Journalism Western Sun 3 $53,554 $21,202
GWC - Language Arts Division 2 $159,666 $49,603
GWC - Languages 6 $26,336 $0
GWC - Learning Assistance Centers 103 $220,948 $1,715
GWC - Learning Resource Center Tutorial 8 $379,295 $122,777
GWC - Learning Resources Center 30 $119,209 $17,250
GWC - Lhs Health Services Office 3 $142,801 $53,296
GWC - Library Services 11 $640,924 $177,099
Gwc - Ll4 Security Services Parking 4 $260,717 $84,529
GWC - Maintenance And Operations 18 $768,556 $274,246
GWC - Math 28 $777,966 $225,422
GWC - Media Productions Auxiliary 2 $50,078 $12,866
GWC - Music 12 $357,229 $80,534
GWC - Nursing 37 $1,769,156 $454,612
GWC - Office Of Instruction 14 $757,054 $210,894
GWC - Pe Division Office 3 $273,225 $78,098
GWC - Peace Studies 1 $46,417 $12,602
GWC - Personnel Services And Records 1 $112,318 $28,406
GWC - Philosophy 7 $190,195 $65,503
GWC - Photography 5 $22,819 $1,679
GWC - Physical Education 41 $1,160,561 $274,040
GWC - Physical Education and Athletics 71 $425,312 $57,473
GWC - Physical Science General 45 $1,104,343 $270,361
GWC - Political Science 8 $297,367 $86,372
GWC - Pool Maintenance Services 1 $68,077 $23,816
GWC - Presidents Office 6 $446,524 $129,374
GWC - Printing Shop 1 $86,805 $26,554
GWC - Psychology Instruction 14 $519,296 $123,085
GWC - Public Safety 32 $378,531 $80,562
GWC - Re Entry Cal Works 16 $127,861 $22,647
GWC - Receiving Fixed Assets 1 $60,105 $22,979
GWC - Rhorc 3 $44,970 $3,989
GWC - Rhorc Program Testing Auxiliary 2 $111,120 $44,989
GWC - S75 EOPS A Administration 1 $13,351 $5,729
GWC - S75 EOPS Student Services General 5 $512,557 $137,669
GWC - S77 Ab77 DSPS Adapted Pe 1 $142,594 $31,720
GWC - S77 Ab77 DSPS Support 5 $412,570 $126,683
GWC - SAP BRD Financial Assistant Allowan 3 $165,365 $64,934
GWC - Scw Coordinate Cal Works 2 $72,715 $25,959
GWC - Shc Rhorc Health Care Development 1 $108,265 $29,247
GWC - Sign Interpreter Special Education 2 $160,970 $35,794
GWC - Social Science Division Office 1 $57,159 $22,753
GWC - Sociology 5 $215,315 $58,911
GWC - Spanish 10 $265,994 $59,796
GWC - Speech And Communications 22 $679,721 $178,168
GWC - Staff Development Office of Inst 1 $95,235 $25,448
GWC - Student Activities 7 $30,867 $643
GWC - Student Health Services 13 $215,370 $27,973
GWC - Student Outreach Services 1 $53,961 $21,117
GWC - Student Services 4 $224,257 $89,782
GWC - Student Services Aux And Anc Op 7 $285,244 $79,488
GWC - Theatre 16 $30,898 $18,034
GWC - Theatre Arts 10 $524,645 $110,778
GWC - Theatre Auxiliary 1 $31,209 $11,264
Gwc - Transfer Center 2 $190,930 $53,822
Gwc - Vice President Administrative Svcs 2 $242,682 $60,918
GWC - Vietnamese 1 $115,798 $28,716
GWC - Views Human Thru Art 7 $8,246 $3,982
GWC - WIA ARRA Hi Demand Training Svc 1 $122,470 $29,337
Gwc - Writing Center 10 $106,173 $30,919
OCC - AB77 Disabled Student Ctr Support 2 $28,661 $12,240
OCC - AB77 DSPS Adapted PE 2 $1,185 $0
OCC - Ab77 Learning Disabled Center 7 $386,995 $145,644
OCC - Academic Senate 3 $108,112 $59,830
Occ - Academic Senate Occ 1 $112,650 $28,451
OCC - Accounting 13 $662,595 $159,399
OCC - Adapted Physical Education 1 $112,482 $28,338
OCC - Administrative Services 5 $504,674 $141,302
OCC - Admission N Records 10 $355,155 $119,844
OCC - Admissions N Records Office 9 $519,463 $173,767
OCC - Allied Health 3 $289,686 $78,910
OCC - American Language Basic Skills Esl 15 $637,679 $146,152
OCC - Ancillary Sports Events 2 $2,494 $6,586
Occ - Answer Center 28 $384,376 $80,528
OCC - Anthropology 10 $345,558 $89,285
OCC - Architectural Technology 13 $432,926 $93,213
OCC - Art 39 $1,011,003 $261,916
Occ - Arts Pavilion Starbucks 43 $287,987 $65,250
OCC - Asocc Bookstore 2 $118,990 $46,011
OCC - Asocc Student Support 4 $276,807 $97,243
OCC - Astronomy 3 $258,292 $60,221
OCC - Athletics 41 $986,423 $260,349
OCC - Aviation Pilot Training 6 $530,711 $122,969
OCC - Basic Skills Grant 5 $8,892 $7,497
OCC - Biological Sciences 23 $1,136,240 $325,750
OCC - Board Financial Asst Allwnc 2 $122,255 $46,557
OCC - Board Office 4 $11,675 $0
OCC - Building Maintenance 6 $419,668 $142,262
OCC - Bursar Office 6 $277,621 $85,143
OCC - Business 11 $742,720 $201,093
OCC - Business Marketing 2 $99,281 $26,728
OCC - Cafeteria 97 $573,665 $108,481
OCC - Cal Works Coordination 1 $69,114 $24,279
OCC - Cal Works Welfare Reform 3 $38,228 $3,280
Occ - Campus Public Safety 55 $762,313 $161,632
OCC - Chemistry 17 $1,310,463 $326,666
OCC - Child Development Early Care N Ed 16 $481,584 $133,316
OCC - Children Center 17 $558,890 $225,125
OCC - Communication Skills 20 $462,963 $154,340
OCC - Computer Information Sciences 19 $927,640 $232,581
OCC - Computer Maintenance 4 $130,721 $47,200
OCC - Computer Programming 1 $113,039 $28,490
OCC - Construction Technology 12 $420,921 $115,576
OCC - Consumer N Health Science Division 16 $64,185 $4,410
OCC - Counseling Instruction 8 $651,481 $182,263
Occ - Counseling N Guidance 26 $296,166 $61,251
OCC - Counseling Services 14 $1,545,172 $393,681
OCC - Counseling Services Lottery 3 $203,076 $56,511
OCC - Ctv Cardiovascular Technology 5 $159,568 $33,704
Occ - Culinary Arts 12 $551,405 $137,973
OCC - Custodial Services 18 $847,565 $364,276
OCC - Dance 13 $315,897 $68,814
OCC - Dean Of Students 3 $118,517 $34,412
OCC - Dean Student Services 9 $44,774 $259
OCC - Dental Assistant 1 $118,070 $28,962
OCC - Digital Media Arts 18 $339,586 $108,432
Occ - Discret Support Child Care Center 127 $841,387 $110,836
OCC - Display N Visual Promotion 1 $135,546 $30,935
OCC - Dms Diagnostic Medical Sonography 4 $139,720 $34,200
Occ - Early Childhood Education Lab 10 $313,377 $112,519
OCC - Economics 9 $297,613 $62,990
OCC - Education Teacher Prep 1 $121,966 $29,674
OCC - Electronics Technology 3 $132,674 $30,679
OCC - Emt Emergency Medical Technology 3 $115,576 $31,495
OCC - Energy Management 1 $67,511 $24,035
OCC - English 51 $2,245,803 $633,684
OCC - English Composition 4 $77,801 $28,299
OCC - Environmental Control HVAC 2 $124,439 $29,698
OCC - EOPS B Student Services 9 $747,928 $220,856
OCC - EOPS Services 17 $136,100 $19,770
OCC - Ethnic Studies N Sociology 6 $448,908 $103,158
OCC - Extended Ed Noncredit 7 $138,000 $51,362
OCC - Facilities Projects 3 $160,584 $50,850
OCC - Fashion 14 $363,593 $93,114
OCC - Film Including Video 8 $408,318 $112,952
OCC - Film N Video 8 $13,176 $129
OCC - Financial Aid 7 $138,995 $14,502
OCC - Financial Aid Office 6 $334,330 $121,214
OCC - Fiscal Services Office 9 $544,023 $195,214
OCC - Food N Nutrition 4 $154,887 $44,211
OCC - Food Services 9 $401,432 $117,245
OCC - Food Services Non Instructional 3 $120,045 $53,785
OCC - Foundation 9 $105,621 $26,648
OCC - Gallery N Exhibits 4 $11,275 $27
OCC - Geography 9 $257,381 $73,142
OCC - Geology 6 $312,442 $70,138
OCC - Grounds Services 7 $373,966 $153,109
OCC - Health Education 6 $425,054 $104,598
OCC - Health Services Office 4 $262,583 $86,609
OCC - History 9 $539,273 $133,920
OCC - Honors Program 1 $50,662 $21,933
OCC - Hotel Management 4 $257,177 $60,309
OCC - Humanities 1 $121,446 $29,456
OCC - Information Technology 1 $60,109 $22,648
Occ - Institutional Effectiveness 1 $28,802 $374
OCC - Institutional Research 3 $308,199 $83,446
OCC - Instr Programsn Extend Ed Ancillary 24 $169,057 $53,380
OCC - Instructional Services 1 $61,112 $23,260
OCC - Interior Design 9 $288,445 $67,402
Occ - International Student Programs 27 $736,864 $195,433
OCC - Journalism 6 $245,008 $56,628
OCC - Language Lab 19 $883,156 $206,442
OCC - Large Group 12 $48,400 $2,251
OCC - Large Group Facilities 9 $404,376 $174,257
OCC - Library Services 11 $723,983 $247,478
OCC - Literature N Language Division 9 $83,239 $12,119
OCC - Machine Technology 7 $391,500 $96,263
OCC - Mailroom 1 $51,729 $22,068
Occ - Maintenance N Operations 44 $1,650,025 $597,530
OCC - Maintenance N Operations Office 4 $294,448 $90,691
OCC - Marine Science 3 $362,919 $87,809
Occ - Math N Science Division 39 $595,371 $142,524
OCC - Mathematics 66 $3,071,670 $761,347
OCC - Music 15 $649,415 $148,603
OCC - Music Choral 3 $118,390 $34,820
OCC - Ndt Neurodiagnostic Technology 5 $43,931 $10,226
OCC - Nutrition Dietetics 2 $11,315 $1,259
OCC - Orange Coast College 2 $64,984 $27,163
Occ - Ornamental Horticulture 3 $294,788 $80,010
OCC - Parking Fee Services 5 $278,955 $108,737
OCC - Payroll 2 $5,020 $0
OCC - Personnel Office 6 $302,942 $82,812
OCC - Photography 20 $860,589 $217,544
OCC - Physical Education 14 $983,286 $225,788
OCC - Physics 11 $559,366 $118,149
OCC - Political Sci n American Studies 4 $357,080 $86,838
Occ - Presidents Office 4 $407,010 $110,798
OCC - PSG Polysmnography 3 $6,030 $527
OCC - Psychology 16 $782,122 $218,971
OCC - Public Information Office 10 $491,399 $139,910
OCC - Puente Program 1 $1,461 $0
OCC - Radiologic Technology 2 $236,597 $58,080
OCC - Recycling Center 44 $530,358 $119,103
OCC - Religious Studies N Philosophy 8 $275,163 $65,841
OCC - Reprographics 4 $24,935 $168
OCC - Respiratory Care 8 $190,683 $48,776
OCC - Sailing Center 51 $732,363 $285,017
OCC - Self-paced Math 1 $30,477 $11,049
OCC - Snack Bars 10 $48,906 $1,740
OCC - Snack Shack 30 $148,586 $21,131
OCC - Speech 11 $1,245,907 $294,867
Occ - Spla Pathology Speech Language 2 $113,373 $28,446
OCC - Student Health Services 18 $358,030 $74,113
OCC - Student Scholarship Adm 1 $67,093 $24,019
OCC - Student Services 4 $150,108 $80,487
OCC - Student Special Services 26 $160,710 $13,470
OCC - Student Success Center 161 $765,220 $94,015
OCC - Swap Meet Enterprise 23 $331,697 $60,494
OCC - Technology Division 16 $222,125 $57,266
OCC - Theatre Arts 11 $537,124 $152,803
OCC - Transfer Center 11 $160,002 $43,128
OCC - Visual N Performing Arts 8 $260,873 $78,816
OCC - Visual N Performing Arts Div Office 2 $130,686 $39,471
OCC - Voc Education Support Services 4 $317,445 $97,649
OCC - VP Office Of Instruction 204 $4,128,243 $1,341,210
OCC - VP Student Services Office 5 $316,765 $74,091
OCC - Welding Technology 2 $169,346 $34,621
CCC - Abi Programs Instructional 2 $373,679 $72,909
CCC - Cal Works Coordination 1 $68,424 $24,191
CCC - EOPS Programs A 1 $59,601 $23,068
CCC - Fine Art General 1 $18,870 $9,877
CCC - Ofc of Instruction & Stu Svcs 1 $69,418 $24,314
CCC - Painting And Drawing 1 $126,112 $29,847
CCC - Reimb Ancillary Ce 82 $2,174,907 $518,718
District - Risk Services Management 6 $445,381 $144,725
Gwc - Business Management 1 $82,417 $24,938
GWC - Educational Services 3 $33,254 $7,126
GWC - Parking Fines 1 $54,866 $22,467
GWC - Vp Administrative Services 3 $46,002 $17,013
OCC - College Foundation 2 $206,808 $56,929
OCC - Consumer N Health Science Div Off 3 $238,902 $69,966
OCC - Dance Trust 2 $8,112 $459
OCC - Hospitality 1 $34,185 $9,467
OCC - Library Services Lottery 2 $268,138 $62,006
OCC - Literature N Language Division Off 3 $208,219 $44,625
OCC - Performing Arts 1 $278 $33
OCC - Print Shop 2 $99,811 $43,042
OCC - Professional Mariner Program 1 $102,209 $26,545
Ccc - Applications 1 $78,830 $25,509
CCC - Assessment Center 1 $20,395 $2,595
CCC - Counseling Services Office 8 $276,955 $56,716
Ccc - Infrastructure 2 $200,187 $54,738
CCC - International Student Recruitment 1 $66,233 $23,926
Ccc - Matriculation Credit Adm And Record 4 $226,346 $74,328
District - Administration 2 $53,316 $15,985
District - Applications 12 $1,057,285 $303,416
District - Computer Maintenance 1 $112,096 $28,299
District - DW Financial Aid Services 1 $109,759 $26,713
District - Dw Vehicle Maintenance 1 $71,929 $24,633
District - Infrastructure 8 $797,306 $199,664
District - Internal Audit 4 $166,211 $38,442
District - User Support 9 $850,295 $244,055
District - User Support - GWC 1 $82,678 $25,537
GWC - Applications 1 $78,265 $25,439
GWC - Assessment Center 6 $130,665 $26,809
GWC - Basic Skills Writing & Reading Ctr 2 $53,338 $13,918
GWC - Infrastructure 3 $272,131 $80,380
GWC - Maintenance Office 1 $128,486 $31,829
GWC - User Support 3 $225,914 $75,028
GWC - User Support - GWC 4 $199,416 $53,115
GWC - Veterans Center 1 $50,749 $21,944
OCC - Applications 2 $210,776 $57,597
OCC - Computing Center 4 $10,211 $844
OCC - Foundation Reimb Noninstructional 1 $24,980 $2,819
Occ - Infrastructure 3 $292,846 $82,066
OCC - Learning Disabled Center 1 $68,759 $23,749
OCC - Receiving Inventory Control 1 $59,653 $23,074
Occ - User Support 6 $564,310 $164,237
Occ - User Support - Occ 6 $525,204 $155,650
CCC - Ab77 DSPS Program Office 5 $294,940 $105,160
Ccc - Art And Sciences Div Office 5 $316,627 $75,459
CCC - Arts And Sciences Division 81 $885,501 $155,867
CCC - Building Maintenance 2 $133,157 $47,104
CCC - College Support Clearing 9 $692,969 $217,039
CCC - English & Humanities Division Off 3 $210,612 $71,519
CCC - English And Humanities 111 $994,793 $187,130
CCC - Grounds Maintenance 1 $55,319 $22,467
Ccc - Maintenance And Operations Offc 2 $192,194 $55,404
CCC - Military Testing Center 2 $32,483 $9,142
CCC - Public Information Office 1 $88,634 $21,035
CCC - Student Government Leadership 1 $85,419 $26,276
District - User Support - Ccc 1 $90,402 $26,693
GWC - Access 2 Success 46 $812,835 $212,837
Gwc - Cte Transitions Grant 3 $53,783 $16,480
GWC - Dsp And S Student Center 1 $50,933 $21,979
GWC - French 2 $15,527 $1,429
Gwc - Interpreters Dsp And S Student Ctr 1 $68,424 $24,191
GWC - Sign Language 4 $38,706 $3,253
Occ - Administration 1 $67,093 $24,019
OCC - Classified Collective Bargaining 1 $70,213 $24,415
Occ - College Publications 1 $70,368 $24,435
OCC - Disabled Student Center 2 $150,518 $41,523
OCC - DSPS Administration 1 $100,136 $28,248
OCC - EOPS Care Grant 2 $81,675 $21,213
Occ - Inter Disciplinary N Soc Sic 1 $124,349 $29,842
OCC - Internal Audit 1 $2,762 $0
OCC - Kinesiology N Athletics Div 5 $81,143 $23,308
OCC - Kinesiology N Athletics Div Office 2 $192,944 $48,097
Occ - Social N Behavioral Sci Div Off 1 $151,253 $32,761
OCC - Social N Behavioral Science Div 1 $61,077 $23,255
OCC - Sssp Assessment 15 $672,400 $218,352
OCC - Sssp Counseling 1 $59,601 $23,068
OCC - Sssp Credit Ftes 14 $173,582 $14,270
OCC - Student Computing Center 3 $53,735 $20,027
OCC - Technology Division Office 1 $148,324 $32,424
Occ - User Support - Gwc 1 $11,955 $155
CCC - CE Military Instructional 3 $3,196 $348
CCC - CE Other Contracts 4 $97,630 $30,471
CCC - Computer Science 2 $16,296 $3,758
CCC - CTE Enhancement 1 $48,228 $20,117
Ccc - Eops Program A 1 $105,039 $28,749
CCC - Ily Counseling Services Office 2 $222,866 $43,144
CCC - Inter District GWC Position 1 $113,208 $28,450
CCC - Matriculation Credit Research 2 $151,777 $50,275
CCC - Print Shop 1 $64,112 $23,207
CCC - Student Equity 8 $320,957 $113,589
District - Categoricals 1 $62,598 $23,448
District - Facilities Projects 1 $65,649 $23,836
District - Vtea Administrative Support 1 $56,170 $22,646
GWC - Academic Senate 1 $59,601 $23,068
GWC - Art Gallery Auxiliary 1 $4,851 $3,938
GWC - Basic Skills Spring Workshops 2 $6,836 $4,617
GWC - Enrollment Services 1 $772 $10
GWC - Foreign Languages IUAs 1 $13,361 $1,514
GWC - Golden West College 3 $56,645 $13,675
GWC - Large Group Facilities 1 $40,116 $20,366
GWC - Learning Skills College Readiness 2 $252,646 $59,890
GWC - Oc Career Pathways Partnership 2 $30,418 $4,738
GWC - Orange Coast College 1 $32,503 $11,390
GWC - School Of Nursing Division 2 $126,591 $46,024
GWC - Sign Language Interpreting 1 $113,904 $28,576
GWC - Staff Diversity Office 1 $68,944 $24,001
OCC - Ab77 DSPS Hi Tech Center 1 $63,049 $23,520
OCC - Art Gallery 1 $37,296 $7,785
OCC - Aviation Maintenance Technology 1 $1,274 $17
OCC - Business Division Office 1 $151,298 $32,766
OCC - EOPS A Director 1 $141,631 $31,652
OCC - Game On 19 $42,073 $182
OCC - OCC Cte Transitions Grant 5 $51,008 $9,721
OCC - Physical Education Water Sports 1 $68,491 $22,410
OCC - Student Equity Program 42 $873,151 $284,711
Ccc - Athletics 1 $15,448 $8,603
CCC - Ce Student Advancement 3 $69,578 $22,331
CCC - Digital Computer Art 1 $53,096 $16,666
Ccc - Extended Ed Noncredit 1 $29,111 $10,886
CCC - Naapigi Grant 1 $90,953 $20,215
Ccc - Reimb Ancillary Isd Production-Ce 2 $174,551 $53,110
CCC - Testing Center 1 $18,469 $2,350
Ccc - Vtea Voc Ed Gen 1 $51,606 $21,869
Dis - Applications 1 $78,434 $25,462
Dis - User Support 1 $67,491 $24,019
District - Dist Ehs 1 $78,862 $20,504
District - Elearning Research 1 $32,921 $4,190
District - Grant Development 1 $65,128 $23,785
District - Wellness Program 1 $2,300 $676
Dit - User Support 1 $50,510 $21,896
Gwc - Access To Success 1 $6,261 $675
Gwc - Biological Sciences 2 $27,848 $8,911
GWC - Bs Writing Center Class Development 15 $247,620 $102,704
Gwc - Business Division Office 1 $149,574 $32,581
Gwc - Cte Education Enhancement 60% 1 $15,376 $2,138
Gwc - Design Commercial Arts 1 $6,211 $81
Gwc - Dw Financial Aid Services 2 $125,514 $46,847
Gwc - Emergency Preparedness 1 $91,976 $27,080
Gwc - Employee Benefit Services 1 $144,161 $33,607
Gwc - Health Education Skills 3 $56,213 $27,623
GWC - Human Resources 8 $69,681 $31,852
Gwc - Journalism 2 $8,431 $2,999
GWC - Other Compensation Athletics 1 $3,145 $360
GWC - Social Sciences Division 1 $17,330 $1,869
Gwc - Speech 2 $52,430 $14,400
GWC - Sssp A And R 2 $92,761 $40,293
Gwc - Sssp Assessment 2 $101,140 $40,443
GWC - SSSP Counseling 14 $735,194 $211,886
Gwc - Student Activities Auxiliary 1 $24,169 $11,090
GWC - Student Equity 4 $17,429 $4,170
Gwc - Student Life 2 $160,220 $36,547
GWC - Student Life & Leadership Dev 3 $582 $0
GWC - Workforce Development Div Office 1 $151,253 $32,761
OCC - Academic Collective Bargaining 1 $149,826 $32,726
OCC - Articulation Office Lottery 1 $146,574 $32,336
Occ - Bursar Office Anciallary 1 $3,970 $1,843
OCC - Cafyes For Foster Youth 1 $63,960 $17,972
OCC - Cal Works Job Development 1 $40,746 $20,683
OCC - Coast Adult Ed Consortium District 1 $90,841 $19,360
OCC - Cte & Grants 45 $114,266 $48,410
Occ - Dance Asocc 4 $37,611 $17,325
Occ - Digital Media Arts Trust 1 $15,396 $200
OCC - Dw Financial Aid Services 3 $186,295 $70,155
OCC - Educational Services 2 $27,281 $3,151
OCC - Library & Learning Support 37 $148,314 $7,635
Occ - Maintenance And Operations 1 $8,369 $109
Occ - Math 1 $19,092 $6,088
Occ - Mens Crew 1 $81,557 $24,868
Occ - Mens Soccer 1 $34,448 $8,198
Occ - Oc Career Pathways Partnership 2 $39,631 $3,231
OCC - Online Instruction & Media 2 $132,829 $45,083
OCC - Orchestra Performing Arts 3 $49,469 $10,270
Occ - Photography Trust 1 $31,766 $8,163
OCC - Volleyball Men 1 $14,128 $4,059
OCC - Volleyball Women 1 $10,193 $3,493
Occ - Womens Basketball 2 $25,843 $10,283