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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Mt. San Antonio Community College District
Last Updated: 8/25/2016

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
5 Agricultural Science 9 $57,486 $1,368
AANAPISI 14 $246,060 $55,075
Academic Technology 15 $101,268 $10,556
Accounting and Management 27 $1,020,229 $129,818
Accounting/Accounts Payable 1 $72,160 $19,080
Admissions and Records 37 $1,395,889 $315,561
Advising Center 5 $390,428 $99,747
AE BS-Baldwin Park USD 23 $139,184 $12,446
AE BS-Bonita USD 26 $151,644 $13,977
AE BS-Cec 16 $259,569 $30,480
AE BS-Covina USD 26 $120,715 $11,701
AE BS-High School 15 $198,244 $12,107
AE BS-Pomona USD 69 $387,761 $34,593
AE BS-Rowland USD 20 $119,042 $10,548
AE BS-Walnut USD 22 $128,071 $12,214
AE BS-West Covina USD 30 $160,739 $15,046
AE H and S-Swim 1 $3,947 $118
AE Language Learning Center 5 $47,244 $3,875
AE Voc Ho-Cna 2 $27,259 $2,637
AE Voc HO-HCRC 7 $70,415 $4,902
AE-Older Adults 34 $839,959 $83,650
Aeronautics 8 $45,104 $3,180
Aeronautics, Transportation 8 $449,639 $84,705
Air Conditioning/Refrigeration 4 $125,311 $18,783
Aircraft, Manufacturing Tech 14 $465,476 $83,126
American Language 13 $823,399 $134,281
Animal Sciences 2 $150,531 $26,236
Animal Sciences-Production 25 $111,154 $593
Animation 2 $23,474 $2,338
Art Gallery 3 $42,384 $1,271
Arts Division 24 $911,938 $170,266
As BS-Ase, Ged Section 231 10 $24,083 $429
Assessment and Matriculation 22 $375,710 $61,435
Athletics-General 39 $529,446 $86,274
Auxiliary Services 1 $25,506 $696
Basketball, Men 1 $100,003 $21,461
BFAP 9 $141,149 $29,579
Biological Sciences 75 $4,187,859 $679,359
Board Of Trustees 10 $67,944 $78,285
Bridge Program 24 $249,495 $50,060
Broadcast and Presentation Servs 1 $16,825 $505
Bursar'S Office 15 $192,073 $38,325
Business Administration 28 $1,055,308 $163,891
Business Division 26 $895,321 $153,198
Business Management 6 $191,828 $30,216
CAHSSE Preparation Program 1 $47,491 $11,293
Campus Facility Rentals 24 $145,674 $8,596
Career Placement Services 11 $365,232 $83,321
Center of Excellence 5 $182,930 $12,661
Chemistry 51 $2,245,019 $342,902
Child Development 33 $1,117,148 $163,675
Child Development Center 161 $1,417,563 $181,689
Commercial and Entertainment Arts 37 $1,252,311 $183,195
Commercial Art 3 $11,263 $724
Communication 39 $1,895,664 $272,636
Community Services Administration 4 $93,348 $7,060
Community Services Classes 11 $175,314 $13,280
Computer Information Systems 25 $1,440,045 $245,079
Consumer Science and Design Tech 27 $1,276,848 $201,989
Counseling and Guidance 94 $4,347,121 $779,814
CS College for Kids 11 $17,972 $428
CS Rec-Swim 23 $42,456 $1,261
Cs Tours-Farm 2 $9,957 $297
Custodial 24 $659,870 $176,003
Dance 17 $404,787 $64,420
Earth Sciences, Astronomy 34 $1,217,096 $208,687
Economics 3 $28,139 $2,379
Electronics, Computer Tech 12 $649,731 $117,803
Emergency Medical Technology 21 $57,964 $2,782
English 7 $140,547 $10,800
English, Literature, Journalism 97 $6,479,537 $1,070,883
Enrollment Growth for Nursing (RN) 10 $47,636 $1,430
ESWC-Memberships, Fitness Acad 2 $2,809 $30
Event Services 56 $1,412,669 $293,105
Facilities Planning and Mgt 67 $3,864,783 $1,066,992
Family and Consumer Sciences 3 $34,402 $3,314
Farm Operations 4 $19,926 $510
Fashion 12 $56,101 $1,993
Federal Work Study 93 $152,817 $87
Financial Aid 26 $1,503,774 $362,433
Fine Arts 66 $1,544,962 $246,941
Fire Technology 71 $840,048 $105,067
Fiscal Services 31 $2,194,573 $514,510
Foreign Languages 62 $2,067,652 $300,996
Foundation 3 $216,681 $40,487
Geography and Political Science 5 $391,982 $72,530
Grants Office 3 $230,276 $45,449
Grounds 27 $1,406,838 $430,908
Health Career Skills Lab 7 $18,472 $35
Health Services 17 $733,485 $158,087
High School Outreach 26 $314,503 $68,305
History 11 $221,496 $22,473
History and Art History 36 $1,926,008 $300,227
Honors Program 1 $4,997 $66
Horticultural Sciences 11 $684,598 $125,227
Horticultural Sciences-General 2 $2,537 $0
Horticultural Sciences-Production 24 $129,050 $792
Humanities/Social Sciences Division 14 $731,137 $138,357
Information Technology 23 $1,027,687 $226,238
Instruction-Basic Skills 0 1 $81,320 $19,817
Interior Design 15 $52,364 $3,171
Journalism 3 $10,996 $166
Kinesiology Division 24 $515,780 $90,100
Kinesiology-General 78 $3,240,296 $524,477
Learning Assistance 29 $215,559 $15,140
Learning Assistance - Division 54 $1,708,472 $212,980
Library/Learning Resources Division 49 $3,548,003 $711,914
LLR-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tutor 0 1 $345 $10
Maintenance 16 $1,263,549 $313,147
Maintenance-HVAC 2 $86,337 $20,921
Maintenance-Skilled Craft 1 $38,780 $1,163
Marketing and Public Affairs 1 $394 $0
Mathematics 5 $176,030 $27,197
Mathematics/Computer Sciences 58 $5,109,074 $926,573
Matriculation-Noncredit 11 $408,679 $80,197
Medical Services 10 $374,261 $55,354
Mt SAC Relays 11 $63,671 $4,451
Mt. SAC Agriculture Pathways 1 $3,851 $20
Music 52 $1,571,624 $251,976
Natural Sciences Division 41 $976,121 $191,582
NC AE-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tut 1 8 $65,332 $3,407
Non Credit Adult Education 10 $101,908 $6,975
Non Credit Adult Educ-Basic Skills 37 $461,901 $60,723
Nursing 68 $2,097,502 $360,380
Nursing Program Expansion 1 $3,671 $326
Nutrition 11 $148,092 $20,306
Office of Information Technology 58 $4,832,947 $1,054,200
Paramedic 28 $30,459 $1,048
Parking Services 10 $204,134 $26,247
Payroll 3 $61,235 $16,770
PE-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tutor 1 11 $28,520 $424
Philosophy 6 $66,899 $1,612
Photography 10 $279,133 $49,918
Physics, Engineering 33 $1,219,255 $194,302
President 5 $569,834 $123,595
Professional and Organizational Dev 3 $164,176 $22,230
Psychiatric Technology 21 $1,192,326 $201,478
Psychology, Education 43 $1,390,978 $196,223
Public Safety 38 $1,764,543 $433,922
Public Services 13 $589,958 $75,307
Purchasing 6 $458,548 $115,308
Radio, Television 11 $97,676 $14,357
Radiologic Technology 4 $461,765 $75,603
Registered Vet Tech-General 5 $99,773 $14,829
Registered Veterinary Tech 7 $529,992 $101,367
Research and Instit Effectiveness 12 $617,713 $127,156
Respiratory Technology 11 $543,092 $86,384
RHORC 1 $8,613 $258
Safety and Risk Management 3 $241,539 $49,862
Sign Language, Interpreting 18 $605,059 $92,117
Sociology, Philosophy 36 $1,601,042 $242,950
SS-Basic Skills-Coordination 5 4 $9,431 $67
Student Life 16 $433,614 $89,316
Student Services Division 5 $222,626 $44,180
Switchboard 3 $9,208 $42
Teacher Preparation Institute 8 $11,922 $71
Tech and Health Division 27 $967,109 $182,923
Theater 16 $465,761 $83,084
Tutorial Services 12 $301,738 $56,823
Tutorial Services-Lac 124 $507,281 $28,220
Tutorial Services-MARC 4 $19,683 $507
Unknown ORG 1 $4,680 $140
Upward Bound 20 $293,964 $55,230
Veteran's Services 2 $74,761 $14,296
Vice President Human Resources 40 $1,556,699 $319,141
Vice President Instruction 9 $659,012 $131,489
Vice President Student Services 51 $830,699 $159,508
VP Administrative Services 3 $373,700 $81,221
Warehouse 6 $261,246 $79,680
Welding 11 $32,245 $1,701
Wildlife Sanctuary 2 $3,227 $14
Writing Center 33 $179,213 $20,215
17j Construction Support 10 $335,988 $48,690
Accounting 5 $50,112 $4,306
AE BS-Bassett USD 9 $51,995 $5,017
AE BS-Hacienda LaPuente USD 57 $275,662 $24,400
AE Handicapped-DSPS Lab 1 $5,897 $524
AE VESL-Business 1 $6,602 $0
AE-ESL 75 $2,408,774 $267,767
AE-ESL, EL Civics Section 231 13 $23,500 $25
Alcoa Foundation Grant 1 $1,215 $0
Animal Sciences-General 2 $192,404 $43,276
Anthropology 2 $5,730 $461
Aquatics 43 $41,814 $1,108
Art History 6 $104,540 $9,569
Arts/Drafting 3 $8,957 $0
Associated Students Office 4 $17,160 $419
Astronomy 4 $65,231 $17,901
Athletic Operations 8 $5,856 $44
Athletics-Pep Squad 1 $25,601 $768
Bookstore Administration 1 $104,044 $21,318
Box Office 2 $4,038 $12
Building Pathways of Persistence 34 $215,915 $31,931
CalWORKS 13 $388,850 $70,580
Child Dev Workforce Initiative 2 $61,326 $17,404
Clothing/Accessories 2 $4,466 $0
College Improvements 1 $900 $27
Contract Ed South 1 $3,688 $111
Contract Training 2 $152,240 $36,234
DSPS 201 $2,639,857 $484,531
DSPS-Closed Captioning 9 $67,831 $4,675
DSPS-DHH Services 44 $797,496 $86,744
Electronics 1 $2,865 $254
Energy Services 2 $125,850 $20,251
Engineering 2 $49,319 $9,683
EOPS 38 $1,166,744 $212,838
Equal Employment Opportunity 5 $134,069 $12,942
Exercise Science/Wellness Center 5 $28,959 $1,956
General Supplies 7 $70,163 $18,883
Geography 4 $34,753 $3,091
Geology 2 $31,835 $3,148
Giftwares 1 $7,178 $0
Histotechnology 2 $2,450 $67
International Student Program 17 $37,505 $6,869
Library 9 $361,388 $66,470
LLR-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tutor 2 5 $13,991 $261
Manufacturing Technology 5 $49,395 $3,472
Marketing and Communications 10 $604,564 $138,792
Mt SAC Cross Country Invitational 3 $1,382 $42
Mt SAC Pilot Course Mat Rental Prog 2 $6,865 $0
New Textbooks 33 $124,888 $29,716
Paralegal 7 $50,232 $4,079
PE-Basic Skills-Counseling 1 1 $9,145 $849
Political Science 8 $119,853 $10,417
Restaurant and Food Services Mgt 4 $82,398 $11,296
Shipping/Receiving 4 $91,032 $20,437
Sociology 12 $167,529 $13,870
Song-Brown Registered Nurse Program 11 $72,784 $3,819
SS-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tutor 1 3 $7,317 $34
Store Operations 96 $204,396 $37,298
Track and Field 4 $220 $2
Used Textbooks 1 $43,747 $16,529
AB86 - Adult Ed Consortium 2 $57,345 $1,803
Administration Of Justice 3 $31,659 $3,135
AE BS-Charter Oak USD 14 $63,541 $6,136
Ae-Esl-Basic Skills-Supp Inst Tut 3 3 $16,655 $64
Air Conditioning and Welding 17 $700,743 $120,974
Archt, Ind Design, Eng and Mfg 23 $776,579 $122,776
Athletic Training 2 $660 $19
Athletics 2 $41,088 $4,050
Budget/Categorical Programs/Audit 1 $67,990 $18,275
Championship Events 4 $3,993 $108
DSPS-DHH/Vision Access Fund 6 $42,114 $3,055
Mt. SAC Athletic Services 3 $842 $8
NS-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tutor 2 3 $8,569 $257
Oceanography 3 $57,583 $5,722
Perkins/Counseling/DirectServiceStu 63 $141,008 $524
Perkins/Holding/Curricu Devel/Instr 1 $68,895 $8,133
Perkins/Professional Development 1 $200 $6
Photo Id Cards 1 $3,850 $0
Physical Sciences 2 $51,410 $9,712
Soccer, Men 1 $12,888 $387
STEM Teacher Preparation Prog 2 $12,389 $372
Study Abroad 11 $17,863 $141
Transportation 2 $12,132 $244
A3-Support For Nes 1 $17,518 $526
Achieving College Ensuring Success 1 $8,154 $245
AE-ESL-Basic Skills-Counseling 1 1 $21,244 $2,212
Agricultural Club Council 2 $1,443 $0
Agriculture Literacy Trail 4 $11,962 $39
Agriculture Technology And Sciences 2 $1,922 $0
Athletics-Soccer, Women 1 $2,032 $61
B10-Library Access To Services - Se 1 $150 $4
B12-Natural Science Support Stem-Se 6 $28,610 $591
B5-Mental Health Service Veteran-Se 2 $10,772 $89
B8-Lac Diversity Training Tutors-Se 13 $66,188 $982
B9-LAC Supp Instruction STEM - SE 4 $16,016 $187
C2-Writing Center Support Amla - Se 1 $43,098 $6,688
Counseling And Guidance Division 1 $5,503 $551
Course Identification Program 1 $992 $0
Cte Enhancement Funds Local 3 $10,521 $34
Cte Pathways Program 1 $27,790 $834
CTE Transitions 2 $47,960 $5,662
D3-Digital Arts Lab Access - Se 1 $338 $0
Distance Learning 1 $40,229 $10,146
F16-Support Service Dream Stud - SE 1 $1,785 $54
F17-Support to Expand Prog - SE 1 $2,683 $81
F18-Foster Youth Supp-Students - SE 3 $6,950 $63
F2-Autism - Puzzle Project - SE 6 $6,179 $20
F20-SSEED Job Training Support - Se 19 $25,914 $69
Faculty Inquiry Network Program 1 $9,956 $299
Fostering Student Success-Other 1 $672 $0
Hss-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tutor 3 2 $12,368 $268
HSs-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tutor 4 3 $15,981 $364
Hss-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tutor 6 2 $4,926 $28
Industrial Design Technology 1 $336 $0
L7C31-Stem Center 4 $11,333 $76
LA84 Foundation/Mt SAC Relays Youth 3 $17,826 $1,800
Misc Health Fees 1 $391 $12
Music-Instrumental 3 $1,478 $22
Non Cr/School Continuing Educ Div 95 $3,035,663 $476,481
Ns-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tutor 1 3 $17,914 $146
Perkins/Curriculum Develop/Instr 1 $488 $15
Perkins/Holding/Couns/DirServiceStu 1 $1,383 $0
Prop 39 Clean Energy 1 $347 $0
Real Estate 1 $4,130 $124
Special Programs 6 $19,403 $287
Ss-Basic Skills-Supp Instr Tutor 2 1 $7,611 $228
Stem Participant Support Costs 6 $8,093 $91
Tanf 3 $46,694 $1,400
TAP - Contract Education 1 $18,594 $558
Textbook Rental Program 5 $2,856 $0
Tutorial Services-Win 2 $3,049 $9
Video Production 3 $1,944 $0