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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Long Beach Community College District
Last Updated: 8/24/2016

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Acad Computing & Multimedia Svcs 22 $798,938 $169,126
Academic Computing & IT (ACIT) 28 $2,332,660 $617,589
Academic Services 7 $445,986 $163,212
Academic/Faculty Senate 1 $49,974 $17,152
Admin. Student Success Center 3 $194,909 $58,291
Admissions and Records 25 $1,329,440 $396,910
Air Condition & Refrigeration 5 $253,759 $73,288
Allied Health 12 $73,493 $1,442
American Language & Cult Inst 4 $56,828 $4,938
Art 58 $893,111 $203,195
Art Gallery 1 $50,169 $0
Assessment Center 16 $436,281 $104,584
Associate VP PCC Office 2 $130,780 $32,988
Athletics 36 $508,289 $119,789
Auditorium 2 $120,573 $46,892
Auto Body Rep/Automotive Mech 14 $840,521 $201,714
Aviation 9 $421,199 $101,640
Board of Trustees 8 $89,897 $83,782
Business Administration 23 $985,163 $211,308
Career Technology Success Ctr 10 $21,714 $1,671
Carpentry 4 $232,470 $64,255
Center for Learning Assistance 4 $72,241 $13,057
Child and Adult Development 31 $947,843 $363,340
Child Development Center 77 $836,068 $280,127
Community Education 2 $8,826 $72
Community Recreation 16 $25,433 $132
Community Relations/Marketing 9 $305,612 $84,305
Computer & Bus Info System 3 $126,930 $43,419
Computer and Office Studies I 15 $627,134 $142,075
Computer and Office Studies II 18 $726,038 $219,619
Computer Apps & Office Tech 1 $44,359 $4,117
Contract Education, Econ Dev 1 $1,200 $0
Contracts & Risk Services 7 $483,815 $158,086
Coord VATEA 4 $1,858 $0
Copy & Technology Center 3 $163,644 $47,492
Counseling & Student Supp Svcs 43 $2,620,624 $679,183
Culinary Arts 5 $276,820 $75,182
Diagnostic Medical Imaging Prg 3 $180,762 $57,476
Diesel Mechanics 4 $201,268 $48,588
Director-Facilities Maint & Ops 6 $356,764 $108,510
Disabled Students Prog & Srvcs 89 $1,271,263 $157,595
Distance Learning 1 $58,204 $22,854
Drafting 13 $249,170 $44,099
Economic & Resource Development 61 $1,481,805 $313,826
Electricity 18 $434,055 $99,189
English 89 $2,393,127 $577,783
English as a Second Language 51 $1,550,973 $329,785
Environmental Safety /Waste Disp. 1 $19,667 $1,903
Extended Oppor Prog/Services 17 $617,204 $176,676
Facilities, Maint & Operations 20 $942,327 $348,207
Family and Consumer Studies 1 $6,154 $755
Fashion Design & Merchandising 8 $104,568 $24,107
Financial Aid Administration 27 $1,309,367 $360,090
Fiscal Services 27 $1,648,238 $517,080
Food & Nutrition 12 $242,746 $59,213
Foreign Language 41 $923,185 $189,566
Grants & Resource Development 9 $362,891 $64,307
Grounds 12 $548,757 $186,560
History & Political Science 37 $1,409,146 $323,797
Honors Program Admin 1 $66,570 $26,389
Horticulture 2 $117,703 $46,984
Human Resources 13 $881,549 $241,304
Institutional Effectiveness 7 $216,583 $57,971
Instruc Tech Development Center 11 $477,457 $122,503
Instructional Media Production 3 $212,515 $32,781
Interior Design 6 $105,238 $20,216
International Students 7 $227,069 $74,417
Learning & Academic Resources 55 $710,212 $168,181
Library 32 $1,150,612 $225,492
Life Science 38 $1,391,906 $376,253
Mail Services 2 $82,947 $38,291
Math Success Center 30 $219,520 $50,028
Mathematics & Engineering 71 $2,288,902 $540,070
Medical Assisting 2 $100,670 $21,543
Multidisc Success Ctr LAC 20 $286,514 $51,412
Multidisc Success Ctr PCC 31 $376,306 $82,201
Multiple Departments 54 $1,661,809 $433,607
Music & Radio/Television 67 $1,565,204 $462,604
Non-Inst Interdisciplinary Prg 1 $47,133 $15,525
Operations 53 $2,496,924 $834,443
Parking Services 14 $152,367 $31,886
Personnel Commission 10 $313,893 $154,436
Photography 15 $333,993 $89,609
Physical Education 54 $1,604,599 $401,643
Physical Education/Adapted 4 $52,317 $4,512
Physical Science 30 $1,004,149 $267,638
Project Launch 7 $143,748 $26,158
Public Services 33 $458,767 $104,861
Purchasing 5 $196,269 $49,946
Reading 21 $986,963 $235,758
Registered Nursing 32 $1,155,879 $236,144
Registration 6 $231,897 $62,888
SBDC Program 28 $738,689 $139,202
Scholarships 8 $117,932 $35,708
School and College Relations 3 $157,602 $49,999
School of Health and Science 22 $311,560 $94,250
School of Language Arts 3 $169,837 $59,631
School of Phys Ed & Athletics 6 $235,290 $89,102
School-Business & Soc Science 5 $220,689 $70,795
School-Creat Arts & Applied Sci 30 $323,575 $83,876
School-Trades & Industrial Tech 2 $111,998 $36,062
Sheet Metal 3 $152,258 $52,935
Social Science 66 $1,661,379 $418,040
Speech Communication 26 $634,529 $156,991
Staff Development 1 $40,946 $16,190
Student Affairs 9 $259,077 $62,037
Student Health Services 7 $436,216 $120,722
Student Outreach/Recruitment 8 $80,329 $4,351
Student Success & Transfer Svcs 2 $149,208 $38,641
Superintendent-President 11 $1,520,598 $238,679
Theater, Dance & Film 36 $943,806 $227,497
Upward Bound 17 $281,030 $62,665
Veterans Stadium 7 $336,465 $83,734
Vocational Nursing 12 $688,723 $180,800
VP Academic Affairs 11 $1,315,193 $286,606
VP Admin Services 6 $564,459 $128,852
VP Student Support Services 3 $347,130 $77,324
Warehouse 5 $210,091 $57,838
Welding 4 $242,492 $52,540
Women's Center 1 $48,435 $21,796
Workforce Development 24 $278,446 $46,687
Writing and Reading Center 37 $176,961 $14,694