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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
Government Compensation in California
Malia M. Cohen, California State Controller
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Community College Districts
State Center Community College District
OC - Dean of Students
Other Departments:
CCC - Accounting
CCC - Admissions and Records
CCC - Anthropology
CCC - Art
CCC - Biology
CCC - Building Services
CCC - Business
CCC - Business Services
CCC - Business.R
CCC - Chdev/Home Ec/Ed Aide/Fd Ser.F
CCC - Chemistry
CCC - Chief Executive Officer-Pres
CCC - Child Development
CCC - College Business Manager
CCC - Communication Arts
CCC - Computer & Technology
CCC - Computer Science
CCC - Computer Services & Technology
CCC - Couns & Guid-Special Programs
CCC - Counseling
CCC - Counseling.F
CCC - Criminology
CCC - Dean of Instruction
CCC - Dean of Students
CCC - Earth, Physical Science.F
CCC - Economics
CCC - Engineering
CCC - English
CCC - Film
CCC - Financial Aid
CCC - Food and Nutrition
CCC - Foreign Language
CCC - Geography
CCC - Health
CCC - Health Services
CCC - History
CCC - Information Systems
CCC - Learning Resources
CCC - Library/Learning Res Ctr
CCC - Life Science.F
CCC - Linguistics
CCC - Mathematics
CCC - Music
CCC - Office of Instr & Stu Srvs
CCC - Office of Instr & Student Svc
CCC - Philosophy
CCC - Physical Education
CCC - Physics
CCC - Plant Services
CCC - Political Science
CCC - President's Office
CCC - Psychology
CCC - Reading
CCC - Social Science Division
CCC - Sociology
CCC - Title V Programs
CCC - Tutorial Center
CCC - WI Bookstore
CTC - Auto Collision Repair Tech
CTC - Automotive Technology
CTC - Career & Technology Center
CTC - Career & Technology Ctr.F
CTC - Fire Academy
CTC - Industrial Education
CTC - Police Academy
CTC - Vocational Training Center.F
CTC - Warehouse Tech
DN - Center for Intl Trade Devel.
DN - Ed Services & Institional Eff
DN - Grant Funded Programs
DN - Maintenance/Operations
DN - Training Institute
DO - Accounting
DO - Accounting/Purchasing
DO - Accounts Payable
DO - Accounts Receivable
DO - Admissions and Records
DO - Board of Trustee Services
DO - Business & Operations
DO - Business & Plant Services
DO - Campus Police
DO - Center for Intl Trade Devel.
DO - Chancellor's Services
DO - Classified Prof Staff Develop
DO - Construction Services
DO - Districtwide Operations
DO - Ed Services & Institional Eff
DO - Educ Serv Plan & Occup Ed
DO - Emp Rel & Personnel Services
DO - Environmental Health/Safety
DO - Finance
DO - Foundation
DO - Foundation & Grant Development
DO - General Counsel
DO - Grant Funded Programs
DO - Grounds Services
DO - Human Resources
DO - Information Systems
DO - Institutional Research
DO - Maintenance/Operations
DO - Office of Vc, Finance/Admin
DO - Payroll
DO - Personnel Commission
DO - Public & Legislative Relations
DO - Purchasing
DO - State Center Consortium
DO - Workforce Dev & Educ Services
FCC - Accounting
FCC - Accounting.F
FCC - Administrative Services
FCC - Admissions & Records
FCC - Admissions and Records
FCC - Air Conditioning
FCC - American Sign Language
FCC - Anthropology
FCC - Applied Technology
FCC - Applied Technology Division
FCC - Apprenticeship
FCC - Architecture
FCC - Art
FCC - Art.F
FCC - Assessment Center
FCC - Astronomy
FCC - Athletics
FCC - Auto Collision Repair Tech
FCC - Automotive Technology
FCC - Biology
FCC - Bookstore
FCC - Building Services
FCC - Business & Technology
FCC - Business Administration
FCC - Business Division
FCC - Business Info Processing
FCC - Business Services
FCC - Calworks
FCC - Chdev/Home Ec/Ed Aide/Fd Ser.F
FCC - Chemistry
FCC - Child Development
FCC - College Activities
FCC - College Business Manager
FCC - Communication Arts
FCC - Communication Arts.F
FCC - Communications
FCC - Computer Information Systems
FCC - Computer Information Tech
FCC - Copy Center
FCC - Couns & Guid-Special Programs
FCC - Counseling and Guidance
FCC - Counseling.F
FCC - Criminology
FCC - Culinary Arts
FCC - Cultrual and Women's Studies
FCC - Dance
FCC - Dean of Instruction
FCC - Dean of Students
FCC - Decision Science
FCC - Dental Hygiene
FCC - Disabled Students Prog & Ser.F
FCC - Drafting
FCC - Economics
FCC - Education
FCC - Electrical Systems Technology
FCC - Engineering
FCC - English
FCC - English As a Second Language
FCC - Extended Opportunity Prog Serv
FCC - FCC Bookstore
FCC - Film
FCC - Financial Aid
FCC - Fine, Perf & Comm Arts Div.
FCC - Fine, Performing & Comm. Arts
FCC - Food and Nutrition
FCC - Food Service Management
FCC - Foreign Language
FCC - Geography
FCC - Geology
FCC - Graphic Services
FCC - Graphics
FCC - Graphics.F
FCC - Health Information Technology
FCC - Health Science Division
FCC - Health Sciences Division
FCC - Health Services
FCC - History
FCC - Home Economics
FCC - Honors & Student Success
FCC - Human Services
FCC - Humanities Division
FCC - Industrial Education
FCC - Inst. Res, Assmt & Plng
FCC - International Adm/Vet Cert
FCC - Journalism
FCC - Learning Resources
FCC - Library
FCC - Library & Stdt Learng Supt
FCC - Linguistics
FCC - Manufacturing Technology
FCC - Math, Science, Eng. Division
FCC - Math, Science, Engineering Div
FCC - Mathematics
FCC - Medical Assisting
FCC - Music
FCC - Nursing
FCC - Occupational Health and Safety
FCC - Office of Instruction
FCC - Paralegal
FCC - Philosophy
FCC - Photography/Graphic Arts
FCC - Physical Education
FCC - Physical Education.F
FCC - Physical Science
FCC - Physics
FCC - Plant Services
FCC - Police Academy
FCC - Political Science
FCC - President's Office
FCC - Print Shop
FCC - Print, Media and Communication
FCC - Psychological Services
FCC - Psychology
FCC - Public Information Office
FCC - Radiological Technology
FCC - Reading
FCC - Real Estate
FCC - Respiratory Care Practitioner
FCC - Social Science Division
FCC - Social Sciences Division
FCC - Sociology
FCC - Student Activities
FCC - Student Services
FCC - Technology
FCC - Theatre Arts
FCC - Theatre Arts/Dance.F
FCC - Title V Programs
FCC - Trades
FCC - Training Institute
FCC - Transfer Center
FCC - Trio Programs
FCC - Tutorial Center
FCC - Upward Bound
HC - Admissions and Records
MC - Admissions and Records
MC - Art
MC - Biology
MC - Building Services
MC - Business
MC - Chemistry
MC - Child Development
MC - College Center
MC - Communication Arts
MC - Computer & Technology
MC - Couns & Guid-Special Programs
MC - Counseling
MC - Counseling.F
MC - Criminology
MC - Dean of Instruction
MC - Dean of Students
MC - Educ Serv Plan & Occup Ed
MC - English
MC - Financial Aid
MC - Food and Nutrition
MC - Foreign Language
MC - Geography
MC - Health Sciences
MC - History
MC - Human Services
MC - Information Systems
MC - Learning Resources
MC - Library/Learning Resource Ctr
MC - Life Science.F
MC - Maintenance Mechanic
MC - Manufacturing Technology
MC - Mathematics
MC - MC Bookstore
MC - Nursing
MC - Office of Instr & Student Svc
MC - Office of Instruction
MC - Office Technology
MC - Philosophy
MC - Photography
MC - Physical Education
MC - Plant Services
MC - Political Science
MC - Psychology
MC - Reading
MC - School Relations
MC - Social Science Division
MC - Sociology
MC - Title V Programs
MC - Upward Bound
MC - Vice President's Office
MC - Vocational Nursing
OC - Accounting
OC - Chief Executive Officer-Pres
OC - Criminology
OC - Dean of Instruction
OC - Dean of Students
OC - English
OC - Oakhurst
OC - Oakhurst-Instructional
RC - Accounting
RC - Administrative Services
RC - Admissions
RC - Admissions & Records
RC - Admissions and Records
RC - Agriculture
RC - Agriculture/Bus/Ind Tech
RC - American Sign Language
RC - Animal Science
RC - Art
RC - Athletics/Physical Education
RC - Automotive Technology
RC - Aviation Maintenance Tech
RC - Biology
RC - Bookstore
RC - Building Services
RC - Business Administration
RC - Business Services
RC - Business.R
RC - Chdev/Home Ec/Ed Aide/Fd Ser.F
RC - Chemistry
RC - Child Dev/Hs/Math/Sci/Comp Sci
RC - Child Development
RC - College Activities
RC - College Business Manager
RC - Communication Arts
RC - Communication Services
RC - Composition.F
RC - Computer Science
RC - Computer Services & Technology
RC - Couns & Guid-Special Programs
RC - Counseling
RC - Counseling.F
RC - Criminology
RC - Dean of Students
RC - Dental Assisting
RC - Director of Athletics
RC - Disabled Students Prog & Ser.F
RC - Earth, Physical Science.F
RC - Economics
RC - Educ Serv Plan & Occup Ed
RC - Education
RC - English
RC - English As a Second Language
RC - Extended Opportunity Prog Serv
RC - Farm
RC - Financial Aid
RC - Fine Arts/Humanities/Social Sc
RC - Food and Nutrition
RC - Food Services
RC - Foreign Language
RC - Geography
RC - Geology
RC - Health Care Interpreter
RC - Health Services
RC - History
RC - Information Systems
RC - Learning Resources
RC - Library
RC - Library/Learning Resource Ctr
RC - Life Science.F
RC - Linguistics
RC - Manufacturing Technology
RC - Math, Science, Engineering Div
RC - Mathematics
RC - Mechanized Agriculture
RC - Music
RC - Natural Resources
RC - Nursing
RC - Office of Instruction
RC - Office Technology
RC - Philosophy
RC - Physical Education
RC - Physical Science
RC - Physics
RC - Plant Science
RC - Plant Services
RC - Political Science
RC - President's Office
RC - Printing Services
RC - Psychology
RC - Public Information Office
RC - RC Bookstore
RC - Reading
RC - Residence Hall
RC - School Relations
RC - Science
RC - Sociology
RC - Student Activities
RC - Student Services
RC - Title V Programs
RC - Tutorial Center
RC - Upward Bound
View Details
OC - Dean of Students
State Center Community College District
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Last Updated: 9/23/2015
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