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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
Government Compensation in California
Malia M. Cohen, California State Controller
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K-12 Education
San Francisco Unified
James Lick M.S. Nutrition
Other Departments:
A.P. Giannini M.S.
A.P. Giannini M.S. Nutrition
Abraham Lincoln H.S.
Abraham Lincoln H.S. Nutrition
Academy Of Arts And Sciences
Access SFUSD: The Arc of Sf
Accounting Services
Administrative & Support Srvce
After School For All
Alamo E.S.
Alice Fong Yu Alt. School
Alvarado E.S.
Aptos M.S.
Aptos M.S. Nutrition
Argonne E.S.
Argonne EES
Argonne Tk
Asbestos Control
Assessment & Accountability
Athletic Office
Balboa H.S.
Balboa H.S. Nutrition
Benjamin Franklin Ms
Bessie Carmichael - Ees
Bessie Carmichael E.S.
Bldgs & Grounds Department
Board of Education office
Bret Harte E.S.
Bret Harte EES
Bryant E.S.
Bryant EES
Bryant EES Ost
Budget/Position Management
Buena Vista /Horace Mann
Buena Vista E.S.
Buena Vista E.S. Nutrition
C&I - Avid Tutor Program
C&I Btsa
C&I Screening & Assessment
C&I Teaching & Learning
C&I Textbooks
Cao - Curriculum Improvement
Cao - Library Service
Career Technical Education
Cc Hseprnt & Asst - Subs
Central Custodial Services
Cesar Chavez E.S.
Cesar Chavez Pre-K
Chief Financial Officer
Chief of Support Operations
Children's Centers Substitutes
Childrens Centers Substitutes
Childrens Ctr. Administration
Chinese Education Center
Chinese Immersion E.S.
Civic Center Secondary School
Claire Lilienthal E.S.
Clarendon Alt E.S.
Cleveland E.S.
Cleveland E.S. Nutrition
Commodore Sloat E.S.
Commodore Stockton EES
Commodore Stockton Tk
Contract Compliance
County Community H.S.
Creative Arts Charter School
Daniel Webster E.S.
Daniel Webster E.S. Nutrition
Daniel Webster EES
Dianne Feinstein E.S.
Document Publ. & Dist. Center
Downtown H.S.
Dr. Charles Drew E.S.
Dr. Charles Drew Pre-K
Dr. G. Washington Carver E.S.
Dr. William Cobb E.S.
Dr. William Cobb EES
Drew, Charles Ph.D. EES
E.R. Taylor E.S.
E.R. Taylor E.S. Nutrition
E.R. Taylor Pre-K
Educational Placement Center
El Dorado E.S.
Elem. Instructional Sup. & Ops
Elementary Schools
Employee/Labor Relations
Everett M.S.
Everett M.S. Nutrition
Excelsior @ Monroe Cd Ctr
Excelsior EES @ Guadalupe
Excelsior EES @ Guadalupe Ost
Facilities Planning
Facilities-Real Estate
Fairmount E.S.
Fairmount Pre-K
Federal/State Accounting
Francis Scott Key E.S.
Francis Scott Key Schl Age Cdp
Francisco M.S.
Francisco M.S. Nutrition
Frank Mc Coppin E.S.
Frank Mccoppin EES
Galileo Academy of Science & T
Galileo H.S. Nutrition
Garfield E.S.
Gateway H.S.
Gateway Middle School
Geary Ees
George Moscone E.S.
George Peabody E.S.
George Washington H.S.
George Washington H.S. Nutriti
Gifted & Talented Edu. Office
Glen Park E.S.
Glen Park E.S. Nutrition
Gloria R. Davis M.S.
Gordon J. Lau E.S.
Gordon J. Lau Pre-K
Grattan E.S.
Grattan EES
Guadalupe E.S.
Harvey Milk Civil Rights Acade
Herbert Hoover M.S.
Herbert Hoover M.S. Nutrition
High School Instr Supprt & Ops
High School Operations
Hillcrest Elementary School
Hilltop-Preg Minors
Horace Mann M.S. Nutrition
Human Resources
Ida B. Wells H.S.
Ida B. Wells H.S. Nutrition
Independence H.S.
Information Services & Techno
Instructional Reform Network
International Stds Nutrition
International Studies Academy
James Denman M.S.
James Denman M.S. Nutrition
James Lick M.S.
James Lick M.S. Nutrition
Jean Parker Afterschool EES
Jean Parker E.S.
Jefferson E.S.
Jefferson EES
Jefferson Sa EES
John Mclaren EES
John Mclaren Tk
John Muir E.S.
John Muir Pre-K
John O'Connell H.S.
John O'Connell Nutrition
John Yehall Chin E.S.
Jose Ortega E.S.
Jose Ortega E.S. Nutrition
Jose Ortega Pre-K
June Jordan Schools For Equity
Junipero Serra Annex Tk
Junipero Serra E.S.
Junipero Serra Ees
KALW Radio Station (91.7 FM)
Kipp Bayview
Kipp Sf Bay Academy
Lafayette E.S.
Lafayette Pre-K
Lakeshore E.S.
Las Americas EES
Las Americas EES Ost
Lau Plan Implementation Progra
Lawton Alternative School
Ldership, Eqty, Achment&Design
Leadership Charter H.S.
Legal Service
Leola M Havard Tk
Leola M. Havard Early Ed Sch
Leonard Flynn E.S.
Leonard Flynn EES
Log. Cabin Sch.(Spec)
Longfellow E.S.
Lowell H.S.
Lowell H.S. Nutrition
Luther Burbank M.S. Nutrition
Malcolm X Academy E.S.
Malcolm X Academy Nutrition
Malcolm X Pre-K
Marina M.S.
Marina M.S. Nutrition
Marshall E.S.
Marshall E.S. Nutrition
Martin L. King Jr M.S. Nutriti
Martin Luther King M.S
Mc Kinley E.S.
Medical Therapy Unit/Sunshine
Middle School Division
Miraloma E.S.
Mission Educ Center
Mission H.S.
Mission H.S. Nutrition
Mission H.S. Summer School
Monroe E.S.
Multi-Tiered School Supports
Multilingual Pathways Dept
Multiple Work Locations
Music - Visual & Performing Ar
New Traditions E.S.
Noriega EES
Noriega Tk
Office Of Equity Assurance
office of Public Information
Parent Relations
Paul Revere K-8
Paul Revere Pre-K
Payroll Operations Department
Perkins Voc.-Tech. Edu. Prgm
Philip & Sala Burton H.S.
Philip & Sala Burton H.S. Nutr
Physical Education Department
Plan & Research/Dept Integ
Planning, Research & Evaluatio
Policy And Operations
Potrero Hill M.S. Nutrition
Presidio EES
Presidio M.S.
Principals Center
Purchasing Department
R. L. Stevenson E.S.
Raoul Wallenberg H.S.
Raphael Weill EES
Raphael Weill EES Ost
Redding E.S.
Redding EES
Risk Management
Rooftop - Burnett Campus (K-4)
Roosevelt M.S.
Roosevelt M.S. Nutrition
Rosa Parks E.S
Ruth Asawa Sota H.S.
S.F. Community
S.F. International H.S.
San Miguel EES
Sanchez Elementary School
Sanchez Pre-K
Schools To Career
Security Aides-T10
Senior High Schools
Serra Annex Ees
Sf Public Montessori EES
Sf Public Montessori School
Sfcsd - Prevention
SFCSD - Pupil Services
Sfcsd-Cnseling & Social Servic
Sheridan E.S.
Sheridan E.S. Nutrition
Sheridan Pre-K
Sherman E.S.
Spec Ed. Id And Assessment
Special Education Services
Special Education Sub Paras
Special Education/Dis
Spring Valley E.S.
Spring Valley EES
St Mary'S Hospital
Starr King E.S.
Starr King Pre-K
State & Federally-Funded Proje
Student Attendance
Student Nutrition Services
Student Nutritution-Middle Sch
Substitute Teachers
Summer Job Internships
Summer School Department
Sunnyside E.S.
Sunset E.S.
Superintendent of Schools
Superintendent’S Zone-Bayview
Superintendent’S Zone-Mission
Sutro E.S.
Sutro EES
Teacher Support & Development
Tenderloin EES
Tenderloin School
Theresa Mahler EES
Thurgood Marshall H.S.
Translation Services Departmen
Transportation Office
Tule Elk Park EES
Tule Elk Park TK
Ulloa E.S.
Unassigned School Lunchroom He
Visitacion Valley E.S.
Visitacion Valley M.S.
Visitation Valley M.S. Nutriti
West Portal E.S.
West Portal E.S. Nutrition
Woodside Learning Center
Yick Wo Alternative E.S.
Zaida T Rodriguez TK
Zaida T. Rodriguez Pre-K
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James Lick M.S. Nutrition
K-12 Education:
San Francisco Unified
Department Employees
Total Wages
Total Retirement & Health Contribution
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this employer's website
Last Updated: 8/18/2016
Highest Paid Employees
Regular Pay
Overtime Pay
Lump-Sum Pay
Other Pay
Total Wages
Defined Benefit Plan Contribution
Employee's Retirement Cost Covered
Deferred Compensation
Health/Dental/Vision Contribution
Total Retirement & Health Contribution