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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Solano County
For more information visit this employer's website
Last Updated: 5/9/2016

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Agriculture Dept 28 $1,407,477 $117,309
Assr/Recorder Dept 54 $3,337,662 $297,687
Auditor/Controller Department 33 $2,242,710 $181,679
County Administrator's Office 43 $2,389,557 $174,330
County Counsel Dept 18 $1,987,566 $143,871
Dept of Child Support Services 111 $6,437,984 $555,696
Dept of Information Technology 78 $4,755,186 $372,553
Health & Social Services Dept 1,182 $70,536,415 $5,936,369
Human Resources Dept 42 $2,041,999 $154,865
Probation Dept 260 $13,991,897 $1,651,948
Resource Management 71 $4,172,061 $348,745
Sheriff's Office Dept. 471 $30,655,015 $2,983,951
Treasurer-Tax Collector-Co Clk 18 $992,861 $86,753
Board Of Supervisors 12 $886,317 $56,320
Cooperative Extension-UC 4 $147,561 $11,353
District Attorney Dept 147 $10,822,201 $534,350
General Services 115 $6,626,637 $581,630
Library Dept 311 $8,405,125 $595,011
Public Defender Dept 89 $6,932,701 $282,570
Res Mgmt-Deta Water Act 1 $67,962 $4,386
Res Mgmt-Public Works 66 $4,097,277 $373,034
Sheriff Office Dept. 21 $865,554 $86,614
Sheriff's Office Grant 2 $218,296 $16,801
Veterans Services 6 $351,585 $25,857