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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Kings County

This county does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

For more information visit this employer's website
Last Updated: 6/28/2022

Report: Departments

Department Employees Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
Admin - Minors Advocacy 5 $332,457 $65,161
Agr. Commissioner/Sealer 26 $1,498,598 $348,014
Agriculture - Extension Svc 1 $44,000 $8,841
Bha - Aod Program Admin 2 $104,030 $27,091
Bha - Mh Services Act 16 $784,993 $180,924
Board Of Supervisors 8 $588,516 $154,007
CDA - Building Inspection 6 $296,461 $95,375
Community Development Agency 10 $489,216 $124,071
County Counsel 14 $1,162,190 $224,024
D.A. - State Prisons 9 $723,890 $182,328
District Attorney 52 $3,220,703 $756,087
Health - AIDS Program 2 $81,944 $22,720
Health - Calif Child Services 11 $480,642 $98,321
Health - CD Clinic 32 $997,004 $234,807
Health - Grants 9 $397,163 $47,336
Health - Lab 3 $223,945 $54,070
Health - Tb Program 2 $98,149 $16,520
Health - Tobacco Grants 2 $81,407 $17,184
Human Services 477 $21,104,890 $4,931,706
IT - Central Services 4 $139,239 $42,039
It - Internal Services Admin 4 $302,128 $84,222
Jto Program Admin 25 $1,139,868 $369,340
Library 27 $849,687 $165,788
Probation 51 $2,886,740 $902,058
Public Guardian/Veterans Svc 10 $553,655 $133,688
Public Works - Building Maint 45 $1,490,149 $386,396
Public Works - Surveyor 5 $310,591 $61,185
Public Works-Parks & Grounds 14 $369,468 $124,335
Sheriff-Court Security Svcs. 19 $1,107,089 $289,879
Administration 10 $839,960 $193,357
Assessor 28 $1,121,139 $233,471
Behavioral Health Admin 24 $1,401,681 $383,182
County Clerk - Elections 6 $283,492 $60,860
Court Reporter 2 $131,203 $9,986
D.A. - Child Abduction 2 $126,657 $27,584
D.A. - Misc Grants 2 $134,949 $39,111
Department Of Finance 27 $1,200,466 $336,271
Dept of Child Support Services 56 $2,131,797 $606,589
Fire 85 $7,950,823 $1,927,423
Health 1 $46,162 $9,274
Health - Administration 12 $653,313 $170,271
Health - Child Health 6 $372,004 $90,902
Health - Environmental Health 12 $597,395 $82,669
Health - Mch 3 $73,849 $21,103
Health - Phn 5 $207,986 $39,355
Health - WIC Program 20 $774,774 $165,822
Human Resources 12 $779,114 $290,349
Information Technology 28 $2,161,102 $421,160
IT - Purchasing 2 $123,847 $35,832
Law Library 1 $33,699 $8,488
Probation - Juvenile Center 47 $1,763,335 $499,305
Probation - Misc Grants 5 $289,860 $88,788
Public Works - Administration 5 $324,631 $94,362
Public Works - Fleet Mgmt ISF 10 $310,515 $102,967
Public Works-Engineering/Roads 23 $721,709 $169,667
Recorder 9 $322,969 $73,831
Sheriff - Administration 16 $1,085,744 $332,312
Sheriff - Animal Svcs. Shelter 6 $195,199 $45,433
Sheriff - Field Operations 76 $5,699,623 $1,542,751
Sheriff - Jail 119 $5,488,955 $1,501,288
Sheriff - Jail Kitchen 9 $400,066 $115,121
Sheriff - Operation Ab443 6 $467,153 $153,647
Sheriff - Radio Communications 15 $885,672 $195,144
Sheriff - Rural Crime T.F. 3 $287,503 $64,189
Sheriff -Animal Services Field 4 $169,623 $36,085
Health - Bio Terrorism 3 $190,462 $35,669
Probation - Sb-678 6 $274,576 $93,142
Probation - Yobg 5 $313,422 $82,913
Probation Ab-109 18 $919,688 $282,793
D.A. - Ab 109 7 $225,660 $38,461
Da - Domestic Violence Vawa 3 $213,123 $61,580
Health- Information Management 4 $140,995 $28,582
Sheriff - Ab-109 76 $3,445,618 $901,165
D.A. - Victim Witness 4 $192,405 $50,425
Fire- Office of Emergency Svcs 1 $41,055 $14,410
Sheriff Major Crime Task Force 1 $39,035 $9,198