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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Yuba City
County: Sutter County

This city does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

Report: Historical Trending

Historical Chart for Total Wages 2013|$21,000,064 2014|$22,410,420 2015|$22,766,271 2016|$24,062,598 2017|$24,960,085 2013|$21,000,064 2014|$22,410,420 2015|$22,766,271 2016|$24,062,598 2017|$24,960,085
Historical Chart for Total Retirement & Health Contribution 2013|$9,919,904 2014|$10,415,786 2015|$9,125,939 2016|$9,879,473 2017|$7,747,769 2013|$9,919,904 2014|$10,415,786 2015|$9,125,939 2016|$9,879,473 2017|$7,747,769
Historical Chart for Employees 2013|533 2014|518 2015|503 2016|514 2017|519 2013|533 2014|518 2015|503 2016|514 2017|519
Historical Chart for Residents 2013|65,677 2014|66,363 2015|68,052 2016|67,445 2017|67,280 2013|65,677 2014|66,363 2015|68,052 2016|67,445 2017|67,280
Years Employees Residents Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
2017 519 67,280 $24,960,085 $7,747,769
2016 514 67,445 $24,062,598 $9,879,473
2015 503 68,052 $22,766,271 $9,125,939
2014 518 66,363 $22,410,420 $10,415,786
2013 533 65,677 $21,000,064 $9,919,904