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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal
Solana Beach

This city does not include payments toward the unfunded liability of the employer sponsored retirement plan.

Report: Historical Trending

Historical Chart for Total Wages 2014|$5,134,398 2015|$5,354,481 2016|$5,830,221 2017|$6,020,280 2018|$6,200,013 2014|$5,134,398 2015|$5,354,481 2016|$5,830,221 2017|$6,020,280 2018|$6,200,013
Historical Chart for Total Retirement & Health Contribution 2014|$1,210,850 2015|$1,136,893 2016|$1,058,582 2017|$1,049,051 2018|$1,097,189 2014|$1,210,850 2015|$1,136,893 2016|$1,058,582 2017|$1,049,051 2018|$1,097,189
Historical Chart for Employees 2014|163 2015|162 2016|172 2017|164 2018|153 2014|163 2015|162 2016|172 2017|164 2018|153
Historical Chart for Residents 2014|13,104 2015|13,494 2016|13,527 2017|13,938 2018|13,933 2014|13,104 2015|13,494 2016|13,527 2017|13,938 2018|13,933
Years Employees Residents Total Wages Total Retirement & Health Contribution
2018 153 13,933 $6,200,013 $1,097,189
2017 164 13,938 $6,020,280 $1,049,051
2016 172 13,527 $5,830,221 $1,058,582
2015 162 13,494 $5,354,481 $1,136,893
2014 163 13,104 $5,134,398 $1,210,850